ThoughtSpot Cloud Documentation

ThoughtSpot Cloud™ is our hosted and managed Software as a Service (SaaS) offering. ThoughtSpot Cloud is available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Customers can choose the cloud and region where they would like their ThoughtSpot Cloud service deployed.

ThoughtSpot Cloud offers multiple advantages over deployment form factors that you have to manage and maintain within your own organization.

Inline Release coming soon!

ThoughtSpot plans to upgrade customer clusters starting on May 13.

See the highlights of the release.

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What’s new in ThoughtSpot Cloud

April 2024

Features marked as Beta are off by default. To enable them, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

AI Highlights Early Access

With AI Highlights, you get quick insights on how top metrics have changed in your Liveboard, dramatically reducing the time to derive insights from your KPIs. To enable this feature, contact your administrator. For more information, see AI Highlights.

AI Highlights

Mode connector Early Access

ThoughtSpot now supports connections to Mode. Import reusable Datasets created in Mode as table extracts to leverage the full ThoughtSpot product, from Worksheet/Model creation to Search, Answer creation, and KPI monitoring. For more information, see Connect to Mode.

Answer data panel enhancements

Now in the new Answer data panel, you can filter as you hover on a column, By category grouping by default, and display the information panel when you click a column.

Information panel appears when you click on a column

Mobile app updates

  • Note tiles on mobile

    • You can now view note tiles for Liveboards in the mobile app. This feature is available in version 2.9.0 of the ThoughtSpot mobile app.

      Mobile notes tile

Collibra integration Beta

You can now see verification status and descriptions on tables and columns imported from Collibra. This information appears when you click on the corresponding table or column in Search data. Once connected, this information is visible to all users. To enable this feature, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

For more information, see Collibra integration.

Custom charts Beta

You can now use custom charts created outside of ThoughtSpot, including third-party chart libraries. To enable this feature, contact ThoughtSpot Support. For more information, see Custom charts.

Custom Chart

Custom sets Early Access

You can create custom sets, which can be used to classify values in a list that you can then reuse across multiple analyses. ThoughtSpot introduces custom column sets in this release. A column set is a custom group of values from a single column. For example, you can use custom sets to define regions with specific countries included or excluded. Custom sets are community objects which remain when you navigate away from the Search Data page and can be used by any user with view access to the underlying Worksheet. To enable this feature, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

For more information, see Custom sets.

Column set creation process

Keywords "of" and "percentage of"

The "of" and "percentage of" keywords are now on by default and available to all users. You can use the "of" and "percentage of" keywords to answer questions related to mix, contribution, share of, percentage, and total ratios. These keywords help answer questions such as "What is the share of a certain store’s sales as a percentage of the regional whole?" To try out this feature, enter a search phrase in the search bar containing the keyword, such as sales percentage of store region, and press Go.

For more information, see Keywords: Of and Percentage of.

ThoughtSpot Sync for Google BigQuery

ThoughtSpot Sync for Google BigQuery is now on by default and available to all users. Using ThoughtSpot Sync, you can now sync data directly from an Answer or a custom SQL view, to your Google BigQuery cloud data warehouse. For more information, see Sync data from ThoughtSpot to Google BigQuery.

Remove additional information when exporting a Liveboard as a CSV

ThoughtSpot allows users to export a Liveboard as a CSV. By default, the exported CSV has some additional information, such as filters applied, and user information. ThoughtSpot introduces the ability to remove this additional information when exporting a Liveboard as a CSV. By default, this feature is turned off. To enable this feature, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

Other features and enhancements

Collibra catalog integration Beta

You can now import metadata information related to your tables and columns from Collibra into ThoughtSpot. From the Data tab, you can set up a connection to Collibra to import column descriptions, column verification status, table descriptions, and table verification status. To enable this feature, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

For more information, see Collibra integration.

Click and drag to create joins with Models Early Access

You can now create joins in your Model by clicking and dragging from one table to another.

Click and drag to create a join

Granular privileges for can-manage-data Beta

ThoughtSpot Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) enhances the granularity of permissions with the addition of new data management privileges. The following data control privileges have been added:

  • Can create/edit Connections

  • Can manage data models

  • Can manage custom calendars

  • Can upload user data

RBAC is disabled by default. To enable this feature, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

Feedback review

We made the following changes to ThoughtSpot feedback review for AI Answers:

  • Feedback for AI Answers is now Org-aware.

  • When you make a change to a Worksheet, ThoughtSpot now alerts you if this will affect any related query feedback. If you accept this and make the change, the feedback depending on that Worksheet is deleted.

Sharing dbt connections

You can now select a dbt connection and click Share to share the connection with other users or groups. By default, the underlying Cloud data warehouse connection is shared. Note that you need Can manage data privileges to access and share dbt connections. For more information, see Share a dbt connection.

dbt error message handling

ThoughtSpot displays dbt error messages that clearly describe whether the error originated in dbt or in ThoughtSpot, where the error was encountered, and what steps users should take to resolve the issue. For a list of the error messages ThoughtSpot supports, see dbt error messages.

Join enhancement for dbt connections

When creating a Worksheet from a dbt connection, ThoughtSpot joins the tables based on the relationships defined in the underlying .yml schema file. Now, joins between the tables will be created local to the Worksheet instead of creating a global join between the tables.

Ts_Groups system variable

ThoughtSpot now supports the ts_groups system variable in Answer and Worksheet formulas. You can use the ts_groups variable for data masking, or deciding whether to display the value of a column to a user based on their group membership. For more information, see Data masking with system variables.

OAuth for Snowflake using Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)

ThoughtSpot incorporates PKCE for Snowflake. The addition of PKCE as an extension of the OAuth 2.0 protocol provides an added layer of security.

Dremio on-premises support for OAuth

Dremio now supports use of OAuth with Dremio on-premises. For more information, see Configure OAuth for a Dremio connection.

Enhancements to error messages for Search and Answers

To improve our error messaging when an error prevents data from loading, we introduced a broader classification that allows you to understand issues more clearly. You can click "Copy error details" to download and send a file to your administrators.

ThoughtSpot introduces support for custom URL links in scheduled Liveboard emails. If your organization has set a custom URL for your clusters, the links in scheduled emails now include the custom URL.

Develop custom charts Beta

Developers can now create custom charts for ThoughtSpot using the ThoughtSpot Charts SDK. To enable this feature, contact ThoughtSpot Support. For more information, see Custom charts.

For the Developer

For new features and enhancements introduced in this release of ThoughtSpot Embedded, see ThoughtSpot Developer Documentation.

What’s coming in the next release

May 2024

Features marked as Beta are off by default. To enable them, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

Ask Sage Beta

You can now conversationally search ThoughtSpot using natural language on a Liveboard visualization, asking follow-up questions for further clarification or to take your analysis in a new direction. This conversational approach allows you to begin with a simple question, and ask successive questions to refine the answer you receive. ThoughtSpot translates each natural language question into a query, and answers in chart format. To enable this feature, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

Ask Sage

Forecasting Beta

You can now use SpotIQ analysis to forecast future trends for your KPIs. ThoughtSpot uses machine learning models that learn from past trends, growth, and seasonality to project how the target metric will trend in the future.


Sage Coach

We made the following enhancements to Sage Coach:

  • Sage Coach shows the feedback from the selected Org-ID only.

  • Renamed the labels for Sage Coach under the Data tab as Sage Feedback - Queries and Sage Feedback - Fragments.

  • Added an Edited by column to indicate the last person to edit specific feedback in both Fragments and Queries pages.

  • Added a Rating column to the Fragments page to record whether the original Answer was rated accurate or inaccurate.

  • Added a Chart preference column to the Queries page.

  • Added an Access column to the Sage Feedback - Fragments page to record whether the access level is user-level or global to make it consistent with Sage Feedback - Queries page.

Collibra integration

Collibra integration is now available to all users and on by default. You can now see verification status and descriptions on tables and columns imported from Collibra. This information appears when you click on the corresponding table or column in Search data. Once connected, this information is visible to all users.

Catalog integration

Email digest

ThoughtSpot delivers an email digest to users to provide updates about new and trending Liveboards from their cluster based on total views, favorites, and noteworthy community articles. All users who sign in to ThoughtSpot are automatically subscribed to email digests.

Users can manage their preferences for email digests.

Administrators can turn this feature on and off, or change the default frequency to weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

Show underlying data sources

ThoughtSpot now shows you which data sources are used in a Liveboard. A Liveboard may contain visualizations from many data sources.

The data sources appear in the Show Liveboard details modal under Data source.

Data source
If a data source is unavailable due to permissions, a message appears to indicate that in place of the data source name.

Support for Excel attachments in Scheduled Liveboards

ThoughtSpot introduces support for scheduling Liveboards with Excel (XLSX) attachments, in addition to the existing PDF and CSV options. This allows users to explore tabular data from these reports by using the XLSX data files.

Filters are now available for Liveboards with hidden columns included in a visualization

You can now interact with filters on Liveboards that have visualizations that include hidden columns, or a formula created from a hidden column.

Remember personalized columns in change analysis

Personalized columns are now available to all users and on by default. Users with edit permissions on a Liveboard can set their preferred attribute columns through the change analysis window and select Apply to all users to keep those selections for any subsequent change analysis calculations on that Liveboard. Individual users can still override these preferences for their own calculations.

Drill down in change analysis Early Access

You can now drill down on specific columns in change analysis, in order to identify change drivers within your data. For example, if you run an analysis on sales monthly and find out that the 'jacket' item type changed the most, you can easily drill down on jacket sales and identify which region contributed the most to the change in sales. To enable this feature, contact your administrator.

Semi-additive measures with first and last values Early Access

A semi-additive measure, also known as snapshot data, is a measure that is usually aggregated for all attributes except for date and time. For certain measures, like inventory, you want to know what the value was at the beginning or end of a period. In that case, you can use the last_value function to find the inventory at the end of a month, rather than aggregating all values over the month. Similarly, you can use the first_value function to find out your stock at the beginning of a month. To enable this feature, contact your administrator.

Version control for Liveboards and Answers Early Access

Now teams of analysts can more easily collaborate on content development of Liveboards and Answers. You can enable version control on specific Liveboards and Answers. With version control enabled, every time you save the Liveboard or Answer, a new version is created and stored. You can browse the version history in ThoughtSpot and restore any saved versions whenever you need to. To enable this feature, contact your administrator.

ThoughtSpot Sync

We made the following enhancements to ThoughtSpot Sync:

  • Using ThoughtSpot Sync, you can now sync data directly from an Answer or a custom SQL view, to Excel.

  • You can now click the preview link when you create a Sync from the Data Workspace to see a preview of the resulting Answer, Liveboard, or Custom SQL view. Answer, Liveboard, and Custom SQL view previews appear in a new tab.

  • When running a Sync, you can see the following information depending on the destination:

    • Slack: channel name

    • Microsoft Teams: team and channel

    • Sheets: file name and spreadsheet name

    • All others: object name and operation name

Other features and enhancements

Collibra catalog integration

Collibra catalog integration is now available to all users and on by default. You can now import metadata information related to your tables and columns from Collibra into ThoughtSpot. From the Data tab, you can set up a connection to Collibra to import column descriptions, column verification status, table descriptions, and table verification status.

Snowflake secondary role configuration for External OAuth

ThoughtSpot now supports secondary role configuration when you create a Snowflake connection using External OAuth. When you set secondary roles to ALL, you can access all tables that any single role has access to and combine them in a single SQL query without having to switch roles.

For more information on primary and secondary roles, see Enforcement model with primary role and secondary roles.

Multiple configurations for Snowflake connections Early Access

You can now create multiple configurations for each Snowflake connection. This allows you to allocate a separate Snowflake warehouse for different ThoughtSpot users or groups, eliminating the need to duplicate Liveboards and configure multiple Snowflake connections which helps you with cost tracking and chargeback. You can also use this for your search indexing so that you can control and balance the computing load. In addition, this allows you to easily test a set of Liveboards against different environments (dev, qa, prod), and configure different databases for multi-tenancy / multi-org deployments.

Manage onboarding configuration at the Org level

You can now manage onboarding configuration at the Org level. Now an Org administrator can update their onboarding configuration in the Admin panel without the need to contact the tenant administrator. This feature helps to reduce possible service interruptions by allowing you to make configuration changes per Org instead of taking the whole cluster down.

GIT integration for version control of Liveboards and Answers Early Access

With the new GIT integration feature, administrators can enable version control of Liveboards and Answers. You enable version control for your ThoughtSpot Org by connecting it to a Github repository. Once enabled for the Org, any user with edit access to a Liveboard or Answer can enable version control for it. Each time a user saves changes, a new version of the Liveboard or Answer is created and stored in your Github repository. Users can easily browse and restore an older version from the Liveboard or Answer itself.

User Adoption Liveboard

You can now use the User Adoption Liveboard to understand how ThoughtSpot is saving you time with ad-hoc insights, and how many users are accessing ThoughtSpot and creating new insights every month.

For the Developer

For new features and enhancements introduced in this release of ThoughtSpot Embedded, see ThoughtSpot Developer Documentation.

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