Geo area charts

Geo area charts highlight the regions of interest, and display boundaries for various regions.

Geo chart example: US states

To paint a geo area chart, your search must include a geographical column with appropriate granularity. Note that you can create geo area charts using country, county, state, and other sub-nation region data, but not with latitude, longitude, or zip code data.

See also the full introduction to Geo charts and specifics of working with them.

Geo chart customizations

Geo charts allow you to customize the map display by changing the Map type.

To customize the Map type, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to any geo chart that you have edit privileges for.

  2. Select the chart configuration icon chart configuration icon on the left side of your screen.

  3. Select Settings in the Edit chart panel.

  4. Open the Map type dropdown menu, and select one of the options: Light, Dark, Outdoors, Streets, Satellite, or Satellite Streets. The default is Light.

For example, view the Light (default), Outdoors and Dark map types:

Geo chart light type
Geo chart outdoors type
Geo chart dark type


Geo area charts do NOT support conditional formatting.

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