ThoughtSpot Cloud Documentation
ThoughtSpot Cloud™ is our hosted and managed Software as a Service (SaaS) offering. ThoughtSpot Cloud is available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Customers can choose the cloud and region where they would like their ThoughtSpot Cloud service deployed.
ThoughtSpot Cloud offers multiple advantages over deployment form factors that you have to manage and maintain within your own organization.
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What’s new in ThoughtSpot Cloud
December 2024
Features marked as Beta are off by default. To enable them, contact ThoughtSpot Support. |
Spotter suggested questions
To increase relevance to your search, Spotter now surfaces past global reference questions as sample questions below the search bar in the home page.

Data update for Google Sheets add-on
With ThoughtSpot Connected Sheets, a free add-on for Google Sheets, you can now update your existing search results to get the latest data without having to enter the search query again. You can do this for the current sheet or all sheets. For details, see ThoughtSpot Connected Sheets.
Anomaly-based alerts
Anomaly-based alerts are now on by default and available to all users. You can receive alerts when data of KPIs you are subscribed to fall outside the predicted value range.
When creating an alert, you can specify the time and frequency at which ThoughtSpot checks the KPI’s data against the values predicted by ML models trained on the data. For example, you can create an alert for a sales weekly
KPI, and specify that ThoughtSpot compare the values every Monday at 5 PM. You may also add individual subscribers to the alert. If the KPI’s data falls outside the predicted range, ThoughtSpot sends an alert to your email and, if applicable, your subscribers' emails.
For more information, see Create an anomaly alert.
Change analysis summary tab Beta
Now with change analysis, you get a snapshot view of all the factors/attributes that have changed in a single view, to get an overview of your changes in the chart. You can click View details to see the changes by attribute, or select Customize to change which measures or attributes to analyze.
For more information, see Change analysis summary tab.

Custom comparison point for KPI charts Early Access
Previously, time-series KPI charts had limited options when comparing to past periods. For example, a weekly KPI could be compared against the previous week, the previous month’s same week, the previous quarter’s same week, or the previous year’s same week. Now, you can set a custom point in data against which ThoughtSpot compares the most recent data point, any number of weeks ago. This feature is applicable to all KPIs including time keywords like weekly
, monthly
, or quarterly
. Your chosen comparison point persists for all viewers of the KPI. To enable this feature, contact your administrator.
For more information, see KPI charts.

Query set groups Early Access
ThoughtSpot users can now define groups for included query values using conditions in Query sets. Conditions allow you to create groups using operators, to specify the parameters of the group.
For example, you could create a query set that list each customer, their sales dollar amount and then add a formula that ranks the amount in descending order. You could then add groups to define GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE levels where Gold is Ranked 1-10, Silver 11-50 and Bronze everyone else.
To enable this feature, contact your administrator. For more information, see Query sets.

Pivot table enhancements Beta
We are introducing a new pivot table chart. To access this feature, contact ThoughtSpot Support. This new chart has improvements in the following areas:
Faster interaction while expanding rows and columns
Custom sort order support
Column widths
Slicing with measures and attributes
Measure names and values
Zebra mode
Decluttered header space
Custom charts Early Access
Custom charts allow you to use charts created outside of ThoughtSpot, including from third-party chart libraries. To enable this feature, contact your administrator.

Compact Liveboard header
We have streamlined the design of Liveboard headers to ensure maximum visibility of Liveboard visualizations no matter the size of the screen. Tabs have been moved to the top line of the header, next to the title.
For more information, see Liveboards.

Other features and enhancements
Databricks service principal with OAuth
You can now authenticate a Databricks connection using a service principal and OAuth secret. For more information, see Add a Databricks connection.
Org switcher display Early Access
Administrators can now enable or disable the display of the org name and Org switcher for users. By default, the org name and switcher are visible to all users. Cluster administrators can modify this setting so that users with only a single org do not see the org name and switcher. For more information, see Orgs administration.
OAuth Connections sign-in for Search Data and Answer view
Admin users now have more control on how users sign in to Connections authenticated using OAuth when the connection authentication has expired. Previously, the Sign in with OAuth button appeared only on Liveboards built on the Connection. Now, users can access the sign-in flow from Search Data and Answers as well. For more information, see OAuth sign-in for Liveboards and Answers.
Join cardinality change for global joins Early Access
You can now change the cardinality of a join (1:1, 1:Many, Many:1) without needing to delete and remake the join. To enable this feature, contact your administrator. For more information, see Change join cardinality.
Utilities schema viewer
ThoughtSpot’s schema viewer connection picker is now on by default and available to all users. You can now use the dropdown or search to select your connection in the schema viewer.
You can no longer view objects across all connections. You must filter by a specific connection. |
For more information, see Schema viewer connection picker.

Administer custom charts Early Access
Administrators can now enable custom charts on the Admin > All Orgs > Early access features page.
For the Developer
For new features and enhancements introduced in this release of ThoughtSpot Embedded, see ThoughtSpot Developer Documentation.
What’s coming in the next release
February 2025
Features marked as Beta are off by default. To enable them, contact ThoughtSpot Support. |
Spotter in Slack Beta
Where previously you could ask questions in natural language in Slack using the ThoughtSpot app, you can now use Spotter to conversationally search your data in Slack. Follow-up questions remain within the same thread, preserving context. Pin a Worksheet or Model to a channel to ensure quick access to data from that Worksheet or Model. To enable this feature, contact ThoughtSpot Support.
Spotter in Slack is not available for GCP and ThoughtSpot Embedded clusters yet. |
Show only relevant filters and parameters on Liveboards Early Access
Filters and parameters that are not relevant to a tab are hidden by default when you open and view a Liveboard. You can choose to view all filters and parameters, including those that are not relevant to the tab, so that you can quickly create a new view or download the Liveboard without having to switch tabs and apply filters individually.
To enable this feature, contact your administrator.
Improved sorting, filtering, and export of Answers and Liveboards in the new navigation and homepage experience
In this release, we provide new options for sorting and filtering Answers and Liveboards, as well as the option to export them to TML. These options are available in the homepage, as well as the Liveboards and Answers pages of the Insights app in the new navigation and homepage experience. The options include the following:
Sorting Answer and Liveboard lists by "last modified"
Filtering Liveboards and Answers by All or Yours
Exporting selected Answers and Liveboards to TML
To confirm you are using the new navigation and homepage, go to your user profile and make sure Navigation and Homepage is set to New experience.
Gradient-based conditional formatting
Gradient-based conditional formatting is now available to all users and on by default. You can now choose multiple colors to define a gradient in charts that support gradients — geo heatmap, geo area, heatmap, and treemap charts. You can control the low, mid, and high values, and numerical value points to customize the gradient.
Query set bins Early Access
ThoughtSpot users can now create bins for aggregate results in query sets. This feature allows you to create groups based on bins of specified sizes with minimum and maximum values. To enable this feature, contact your administrator.

Passthrough filters for sets Early Access
You can now pass filters from a query into a set definition without needing to remake the set to include the filter. For example, if you create a query set defined as a list of SKUs that are ranked based on sales, where 1 through 10 are defined as Gold, 11 through 50 are defined as Silver, and the remainder are defined as Bronze, you can now add a filter such as Region. You can configure the set’s filter behavior from the TML, instructing ThoughtSpot to exclude or include specific columns, or to accept all filters by default. To enable query sets, contact your administrator.
Advanced conditional formatting
Advanced conditional formatting is now available to all users and on by default.
In addition to using conditional formatting to visually highlight a threshold in a measure (for example, sales > 10000
), you can now use conditional formatting to compare a column’s measures to another column.
For example, if you search for sales this year
compared to sales last year
, you can highlight where sales this year were less than last year. You can set multiple conditional formatting rules to a single table.
Custom comparison point for KPI charts
Custom comparison points for KPI charts are now on by default and available to all users. Previously, time-series KPI charts had limited options when comparing to past periods. For example, a weekly KPI could be compared against the previous week, the previous month’s same week, the previous quarter’s same week, or the previous year’s same week. Now, you can set a custom point in data against which ThoughtSpot compares the most recent data point, any number of weeks ago. This feature is applicable to all KPIs including time keywords like weekly
, monthly
, or quarterly
. Your chosen comparison point persists for all viewers of the KPI. To enable this feature, contact your administrator.

KPI change analysis
We made the following changes to change analysis for KPI charts:
To open change analysis on a KPI chart, click the Change analysis button at the bottom of the chart.
When opening change analysis on a KPI, users see a summary of all changes.
KPI anomalies no longer appear as red points on the sparkline, they are labeled as out of the expected range of values.
To enable these changes, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

Suggest indexing of columns for Spotter
In this release, we introduce Optimize for Spotter. It is an easier way of indexing the Worksheet and Model attribute columns required for accurate searches on specific column values in Spotter. After enabling Sage on a Worksheet or Model and clicking the Optimize for Spotter button, ThoughtSpot detects which columns are not indexed and allows you to index the ones you need for Spotter.

Reorder parameters in Liveboards and Answers Early Access
You can now reorder the parameters in Liveboards and Answers, in the same way that you can reorder filters. When you edit a Liveboard or Answer to reorder the parameters and save your changes, the new order is reflected when anyone opens the Liveboard or Answer.
To enable this feature, contact your administrator.
Custom charts
Custom charts are now available to all users and on by default. Custom charts allow you to use charts created outside of ThoughtSpot, including from third-party chart libraries.

Pivot table charts Early Access
ThoughtSpot introduces a brand new pivot table chart. The new pivot table charts have the following features:
Faster load times with pagination.
You can now expand and collapse all in pivot tables.
We now support custom sort order.
You can now adjust column widths.
You can now slice with measures and attributes.
You can now use values for more granular control in configurations.
To enable this feature, contact your administrator.
Group aggregates in change analysis
You can now run change analysis on queries that contain group aggregate expressions.
ThoughtSpot Connected Slides new features
The ThoughSpot Connected Slides add-on for Google Slides has the following new features:
Schedule daily, weekly or monthly updates of all visualizations in your Google Slides presentation
Personalized views and tabs
Timestamp to show when a slide was last updated

Other features and enhancements
Spotter Conversations Liveboard
We’ve introduced the Spotter Conversations Liveboard to give you real-time visibility into user interactions with Spotter. With this Liveboard, administrators can:
Gain insights into user engagement and adoption metrics for Spotter.
Track query trends and understand user intent.
Monitor follow-up actions, including query refinements and edits within conversations.
Analyze feedback to identify training gaps and improve dataset coverage.

ClickHouse connection Early Access
You can now create connections from ThoughtSpot to ClickHouse. To enable this feature, contact your administrator.

Improved error messaging in Data model editor
The Data model editor has enhanced error messaging to help you understand and fix errors. Global errors, like a session expiring or an error when saving changes, are now displayed in a pop-up window. Local errors, associated with a specific tab, display a red dot on the tab and a banner under the tab after it is selected.

New security log events for data modeling
In this release, we’ve added new security log events for creating, updating, and deleting the following:
Imported tables
SQL views
You can access security logs from ThoughtSpot by pushing the logs to your SIEM server, or by pulling the logs using the Audit Logs API.
User-defined ID in TML Beta
Rather than using a system-generated GUID to identify individual objects in TML files, you can now manually set an object property (obj_id
) with a uniqueness constraint on the Org level. This allows you to manage content across multiple Orgs without having to manually change the GUID of an object each time you move it between Orgs. To enable this feature, contact ThoughtSpot Support.
Row counts connection configuration Early Access
ThoughtSpot now allows you to assign different configurations when creating a connection, to run row count stats and keep them separate from other process and user queries. Use this feature to help with auditing and tracking your cloud data warehouse usage by user and process. Optimize costs by assigning the right resources to the right process and users.
To enable this feature, contact your administrator.
Import and export users and groups using TML Early Access
Import and export users, groups, roles, and privileges programmatically, using ThoughtSpot Modeling Language. Use this feature to migrate from one environment to another. This feature can be used so that user, group, and role configurations do not need to be recreated.
To enable this feature, contact your administrator.
Search data mandatory columns Beta
You can now use TML to define a list of associated columns that must be included in a search if a certain column is added. This allows you to make sure users do not remove necessary context from a search by removing a column. To enable this feature, contact ThoughtSpot Support.
Multifactor authentication for customers using local authentication Beta
ThoughtSpot now supports multifactor authentication (MFA) powered by enhanced IAM with IAM v2. Use MFA to enable secure access to your ThoughtSpot instance for your local auth users by introducing an additional authentication factor configurable at the cluster level. We support Okta Verify, Google Authenticator, and Email-based time-based one-time passcode (TOTP) authentication with ThoughtSpot MFA.
ThoughtSpot Enterprise Org enablement
All ThoughtSpot Enterprise clusters will get enabled with Orgs by default starting with this release. Your environment remains a single-tenant environment until you create an Org. You can delete all the Orgs you created and use only the Primary Org if you want a single-tenant environment with Orgs enabled.
Learnability in conversation: feedback generation in follow-up questions Beta
You can now give feedback on AI-generated Answers in Spotter without interrupting your searching conversation. When marking an Answer incorrect, you can now edit the underlying search, save, and review the search query tokens making up the Answer. If you mark an Answer correct, you can review and save the underlying search query tokens so Spotter remembers your choices in the future for similar questions.
Spotter enhancements
This release brings the following changes to Spotter:
If none of the data sources used on a Liveboard have Spotter enabled, the Explore button appears with a notification indicating Spotter is not available. The user profile setting for Spotter is now removed because Spotter is only shown on Liveboards which have data sources that are enabled sources.
You can now interact with answers in a Spotter conversation the same way you can with Answers in a Liveboard. You can use Include and Exclude filters, Show underlying data, and chart axis actions like Group axis, Sort, and Filter (provided the chart supports these). Spotter remembers any changes you make when you continue the conversation.
Per-Org URLs
ThoughtSpot introduces Org-specific URLs. URLs in emails now include Org context so that users are taken directly to the correct Liveboard in the correct Org even if they belong to multiple Orgs. You can also move between different browser tabs that point to different Orgs.
To enable this feature, contact your administrator.
For the Developer
For new features and enhancements introduced in this release of ThoughtSpot Embedded, see ThoughtSpot Developer Documentation.