Configure AWS IDC OAuth for a Redshift connection
ThoughtSpot supports AWS IDC OAuth for a Redshift connection. Depending on the identity provider, you need to complete different steps to configure the integration. This is a high-level overview. We recommend following the AWS documentation for how to configure AWS or the IDP. See: Connect Redshift with IAM Identity Center to give users a single sign-on experience.
To set up OAuth for Redshift, you must have the following:
An AWS account.
An Amazon Redshift cluster.
Configure the IdP
Refer to the AWS documentation.
Note that your redirect URL will be in the format: https://<your_instance_name>/callosum/v1/connection/generateTokens
Set up OAuth
The OAuth application is used to authenticate the user and provide a login token.
Follow the steps in the AWS documentation.
Connect to Redshift
Refer to Create a Redshift connection.
OAuth connection improvements
If you do not have a valid OAuth access token, you can now directly navigate to the OAuth authorization screen when performing one of the following actions on a connection shared with you:
View sample data
Create a custom SQL view
Edit the connection