Consumption-based pricing
ThoughtSpot’s consumption-based pricing model lets you purchase a ThoughtSpot subscription based on your usage of the ThoughtSpot product.
When you purchase ThoughtSpot using consumption-based pricing, ThoughtSpot bills you based on credits. The ThoughtSpot consumption pricing model is available for both ThoughtSpot Cloud and for Connections software deployment on your cloud platform.
For more information about pricing, refer to ThoughtSpot pricing. Each cluster must have a discrete pricing model.
You purchase and consume credits with the consumption-based pricing. A credit is a unit of measure. When members of your organization use ThoughtSpot, we measure either query-based, or time-based usage. Both types of usage consume available credits. Each active ThoughtSpot user consumes credits.
User activities in ThoughtSpot that consume credits include:
Performing a search
Viewing or editing Liveboards or Answers
Creating and editing Worksheets
Making administrative changes, or changing setup configuration
Interacting with Spotter
Analyst Studio usage and dataset loads and refreshes
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