Request object access

If you cannot view a pinboard or answer on ThoughtSpot, you can request access to it.

Request view access

If you try to share a pinboard or answer by copying and pasting a link to it, the person you share it with may have to request access. You can avoid this by using the sharing icon.

If a user receives a link to a pinboard or answer for which they have neither view nor edit access, the Request Access page appears.

Request access

The user adds an optional message explaining why they need to view or edit the pinboard or answer, and clicks Request access to send an email to the pinboard or answer owner. The email also goes to your administrator, any users with edit access for the pinboard or answer, and to ThoughtSpot Support.

A message appears, telling the user who owns the pinboard or answer:

Access requested

ThoughtSpot sends an email notification, requesting view or edit access. The email includes the user’s optional message. Any of the users who got the request then shares the pinboard or answer with the user.

You can turn off sharing request emails for users with edit access on objects. To turn off these emails for users with edit access, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

Request edit access

You may have view only access to a pinboard or answer. If you don’t have edit privileges, you cannot save any changes you make to the pinboard or answer. You cannot pin an Answer to that pinboard or answer, change the pinboard or answer layout, or delete a visualization.

If you have view only access, the locked icon icon locked 10px appears next to the pinboard or answer name.

If you click on that icon, it tells you to request access to the pinboard or answer to edit it.

Request edit access

To request edit access to a pinboard or answer, email the owner of the pinboard or answer.

Request data access

If you don’t have access to a pinboard or answer’s underlying data source, you cannot use features that involve columns based on data you do not have access to. For example, you cannot filter on the pinboard or answer, Drill down on the Answers in the pinboard or answer, or run SpotIQ on those Answers. If you attempt to use these features, a notification appears, telling you to request access to the underlying data source.

Access required

If you do not have access to the data source, the locked icon icon locked 10px appears next to the pinboard or answer name.

If you click on that icon, it tells you to request access to the data source to interact with the pinboard or answer. It specifies which data source you need access to. In the image below, you need access to the Retail Sales data source.

Request data access

To request access to a data source, email your administrator.

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