Cassandra DataFlow connection reference

Learn about the fields used to create a Cassandra connection with ThoughtSpot DataFlow.

Here is a list of the fields for a Cassandra connection in ThoughtSpot DataFlow. You need specific information to establish a seamless and secure connection.

Connection properties

Connection name

Name your connection.

Mandatory field.

Example: CassandraConnection

Connection type

Choose the Cassandra connection type.

Mandatory field.

Example: Cassandra


Specify the hostname or the IP address of the Cassandra system.

Mandatory field.


Specify the port associated to the Cassandra system.

Mandatory field.

Example: 9042


Specify the user to connect to Cassandra. This user must have data access privileges.

Mandatory field.

Example: userdi


Specify the password for the User.

Mandatory field.

Example: pswrd234%!


Specifies the type of security protocol to connect to the instance. Based on the type of security select the authentication type and provide details.

Mandatory field.

Example: Kerberos

Valid Values: None, SSL, LDAP, Kerberos

Default: None

Row scan depth

The maximum number of rows to scan to look for the columns available in a table. Set this property to gain more control over how the provider applies data types to collections.

Optional field.

Example: -1

Default: 100

Other notes: Advanced Configuration

KDC host

Specify KDC Host Name where as KDC (Kerberos Key Distribution Center) is a service than runs on a domain controller server role.

Mandatory field.

For Kerberos authentication only.

User keytab

To authenticate via a key-tab you must have supporting key-tab file which is generated by Kerberos Admin and also requires the user principal associated with Key-tab ( Configured while enabling Kerberos).

Mandatory field.

For Kerberos authentication only.

Example: /app/keytabs/labuser.keytab

Default realm

A Kerberos realm is the domain over which a Kerberos authentication server has the authority to authenticate a user, host or service.

Mandatory field.

For Kerberos authentication only.


Kerberos service KDC

Specify the Kerberos KDC of the service.

Mandatory field.

For Kerberos authentication only.


Kerberos service realm

Specify the Kerberos realm of the service.

Mandatory field.

For Kerberos authentication only.


Kerberos SPN

Specify the service principal name (SPN) for the Kerberos Domain Controller.

Mandatory field.

For Kerberos authentication only.

Example: cassandra/

LDAP user

Specify the default LDAP user used to connect to and communicate with the server, it must be set if the LDAP server do not allow anonymous bind.

Mandatory field.

For LDAP authentication only.

Example: userdi

LDAP password

Specify the password for the LDAP User.

Mandatory field.

For LDAP authentication only.

Example: pswrd234%!

LDAP server

Specify the host name or IP address of the LDAP server.

Mandatory field.

For LDAP authentication only.

LDAP port

Specify the port number that is associated to the LDAP server.

Mandatory field.

For LDAP authentication only.

Example: 1234

Search filter

Specify the search filter for looking up usernames in LDAP.

Mandatory field.

For LDAP authentication only.

Example: sAMAccountName=

Default: uid

Search base

Specify the search base for the LDAP server, used to look up users.

Mandatory field.

For LDAP authentication only.

Example: DC=maxcrc,DC=com

Trust store path

Specify the TLS/SSL client certificate store for SSL Client Authentication (2-way SSL).

Mandatory field.

For SSL authentication only.

Example: trust store path

Trust store password

Specify the password for the TLS/SSL client certificate.

Mandatory field.

For SSL authentication only.

Example: password

Certificate type

Specify the subject of the TLS/SSL client certificate.

Mandatory field.

For SSL authentication only.

Example: JKSFILE

Certificate subject

Specify the subject of the TLS/SSL client certificate.

Mandatory field.

For SSL authentication only.


Default: *

JDBC options

Specify the options associated with the JDBC URL.

Optional field.

Example: jdbc:sqlserver://[serverName[\instanceName][:portNumber]]

Other notes: Advanced configuration

Sync properties

Column delimiter

Specify the column delimiter character.

Mandatory field.

Example: 1

Valid values: Any printable ASCII character or decimal value for ASCII character.

Default: 1

Enclosing character

Specify if text columns in the source data are enclosed in quotes.

Optional field.

Example: DOUBLE

Valid values: SINGLE, DOUBLE

Default: DOUBLE

Other notes: Required if text data uses newline character or delimiter character.

Escape character

Specify the escape character if using a text qualifier in the source data.

Optional field.

Example: \"

Valid values: Any ASCII character

Default: \"

TS load options

Specifies the parameters passed with the tsload command, in addition to the commands already included by the application.

The format for these parameters is:

--<param_1_name> <optional_param_1_value>

--<param_2_name> <optional_param_2_value>

Optional field.

Example: --max_ignored_rows 0

Valid values: --null_value "" --escape_character "" --max_ignored_rows 0

Default: --max_ignored_rows 0

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