Add a File DataFlow connection

You can add a connection to flat files, both local and remote, using ThoughtSpot DataFlow.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Connections in the top navigation bar.

  2. In the Connections interface, click Add connection in the top right corner.

  3. In the Create Connection interface, enter the Connection name, and select the Connection type.

  4. After you select the File Connection type, the rest of the connection properties appear.

    Depending on your choice of authentication mechanism, you may use different properties.

    • Connection name
      Name your connection.

    • Connection type
      Choose the Files connection type.

    • File location
      Specify the base location of the file on the server.

    • Files on remote location
      Specify If the files on remote server.

    • Protocol
      Select the required remote server connection.
      Mandatory field. For remote location files only.

    • Authentication type
      Specify the authentication type for SFTP Protocol.
      Mandatory field. For SFTP protocol only

    • Host
      Specify the Hostname or the IP address of the remote server.
      Mandatory field. For remote location files only.

    • Port
      Specify the Port to connect the remote server.
      Mandatory field. For remote location files only.

    • User
      Specify the user to connect to remote server. This user must have data access privileges. For remote location files only.

    • Password
      Specify the password. For remote location files only, when using password authentication.

    • Key file
      Specify the key file and its fully qualified path. For remote location files only, when using key authentication.

    • Passphrase for key file
      Specify the passphrase for the key file. For remote location files only, when using key authentication.

    See Connection properties for details, defaults, and examples.

  5. Click Create connection.

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