Packages installed with ThoughtSpot for Amazon Linux 2
View the packages necessary to deploy ThoughtSpot with Amazon Linux 2.
To successfully deploy ThoughtSpot in your organization, you must have the following packages on each node of your ThoughtSpot cluster: yum, python 3, and R. When the Ansible playbook runs, it automatically installs them.
ThoughtSpot works with the latest version of each package; see the minimum supported version.
YUM RPM packages:
Yum Package Minimum version aide
0.15.1-13.el7 alsa-lib
1.1.8-1.el7 amcheck_next95
1.5-1.rhel7 arp-scan
1.9.2-1.el7 atk
2.28.1-2.el7 atop
2.4.0-4.el7 azure-cli
2.7.0-1.el7 bash
4.2.46-34.el7 bind-utils
32:9.11.4-16.P2.el7_8.6 btrfs-progs
4.9.1-1.el7 chromium
81.0.4044.138-1.el7 cifs-utils
6.2-10.el7 cloud-init
18.5-6.el7 coreutils
8.22-24.el7 cryptsetup
2.0.3-6.el7 cups-libs
1:1.6.3-43.el7 curl
7.29.0-57.el7 cyrus-sasl-devel
2.1.26-23.el7 cyrus-sasl-plain
2.1.26-23.el7 cyrus-sasl
2.1.26-23.el7 dkms
2.8.1-4.20200214git5ca628c.el7 dmidecode
1:3.2-3.el7 dos2unix
6.0.3-7.el7 dracut
033-568.el7 dstat
0.7.2-12.el7 e2fsprogs
1.42.9-17.el7 ethtool
2:4.8-10.el7 exfat-utils
1.2.7-1.el7.nux fio
3.7-1.el7 ftp
0.17-67.el7 fuse-exfat
1.2.7-1.el7.nux gcc
4.8.5-39.el7 gcc
4.8.5-39.el7 GConf2
3.2.6-8.el7 gdb
7.6.1-119.el7 gdisk
0.8.10-3.el7 git glib2
2.56.1-5.el7 glibc-devel
2.17-307.el7.1 gnu-free-fonts-common
20120503-8.el7 google-cloud-sdk
295.0.0-1 graphviz
2.30.1-21.el7 grub2
1:2.02-0.81.el7 gtk3
3.22.30-5.el7 hdparm
9.43-5.el7 htop
2.2.0-3.el7 http-parser
2.7.1-8.el7_7.2 httpd-tools
2.4.6-93.el7 ipa-gothic-fonts
003.03-5.el7 iperf3
3.1.7-2.el7 ipmitool
1.8.18-9.el7_7 krb5-workstation
1.15.1-46.el7 ledmon
0.92-1.el7 libcap
2.22-11.el7 libcurl-devel
7.29.0-57.el7 libffi-devel
3.0.13-19.el7 libXcomposite
0.4.4-4.1.el7 libXcursor
1.1.15-1.el7 libXdamage
1.1.4-4.1.el7 libXext
1.3.3-3.el7 libXi
1.7.9-1.el7 libxml2-devel
2.9.1-6.el7.4 libXrandr
1.5.1-2.el7 libXScrnSaver
1.2.2-6.1.el7 libXtst
1.2.3-1.el7 lsof
4.87-6.el7 lsscsi
0.27-6.el7 lynx
2.8.8-0.3.dev15.el7 mailx
12.5-19.el7 mcelog
3:144-10.94d853b2ea81.el7 memtest86+
5.01-2.el7 mtr
2:0.85-7.el7 mutt
5:1.5.21-29.el7 nano
2.3.1-10.el7 net-tools
2.0-0.25.20131004git.el7 nfs-utils
1:1.3.0-0.66.el7 nmap
2:6.40-19.el7 ntfs-3g
2:2017.3.23-11.el7 ntfsprogs
2:2017.3.23-11.el7 ntp
4.2.6p5-29.el7 open-vm-tools
10.3.10-2.el7_8.1 openldap-clients
2.4.44-21.el7_6 openldap-clients
2.4.44-21.el7_6 openldap-devel
2.4.44-21.el7_6 openssh-clients
7.4p1-21.el7 openssh
7.4p1-21.el7 openssl-devel
1:1.0.2k-19.el7 openssl-devel
1:1.0.2k-19.el7 pango
1.42.4-4.el7_7 parted
3.1-32.el7 perf
3.10.0-1127.10.1.el7 pigz
2.3.4-1.el7 postfix
2:2.10.1-9.el7 postgresql95-contrib
9.5.22-1PGDG.rhel7 postgresql95-devel
9.5.22-1PGDG.rhel7 postgresql95-libs
9.5.22-1PGDG.rhel7 postgresql95-server
9.5.22-1PGDG.rhel7 psmisc
22.20-16.el7 pssh
2.3.1-7.el7.nux pv
1.4.6-1.el7 pystache
0.5.3-2.el7 python-daemon
1.6-4.el7 python-devel
2.7.5-88.el7 python-psycopg2
2.7.5-1.rhel7 python2-cryptography
1.7.2-2.el7 python2-pip
8.1.2-12.el7 python2-pyasn1
0.1.9-7.el7 python3-devel
3.6.8-13.el7. Note that you cannot use python3 version 3.7.0 or later. python3-rpm-macros
3-32.el7. Note that you cannot use python3 version 3.7.0 or later. python3
3.6.8-13.el7. Note that you cannot use python3 version 3.7.0 or later. R-devel
3.6.0-1.el7 R
3.6.0-1.el7 realmd
0.16.1-11.el7 redhat-lsb
4.1-27.el7 redis
3.2.12-2.el7 rsyslog
8.24.0-52.el7 samba-client
4.10.4-11.el7_8 samba-common-tools
4.10.4-11.el7_8 screen
4.1.0-0.25.20120314git3c2946.el7 sg3_utils
1:1.37-19.el7 smartmontools
1:7.0-2.el7 snappy-devel
1.1.0-3.el7 sssd
1.16.4-37.el7_8.3 strace
4.24-4.el7 strongswan
5.7.2-1.el7 sysstat
10.1.5-19.el7 systemd-networkd
219-73.el7_8.6 systemd-resolved
219-73.el7_8.6 systemd
219-73.el7_8.6 tcpdump
14:4.9.2-4.el7_7.1 telnet
1:0.17-65.el7_8 tinyproxy
1.8.3-2.el7 tmux
1.8-4.el7 traceroute
3:2.0.22-2.el7 unzip
6.0-21.el7 util-linux
2.23.2-63.el7 uuid
1.6.2-26.el7 veritysetup
2.0.3-6.el7 vim-common
2:7.4.629-6.el7 vim-enhanced
2:7.4.629-6.el7 vim-filesystem
2:7.4.629-6.el7 vim-minimal
2:7.4.629-6.el7 vnstat
1.15-2.el7 w3m
0.5.3-45.git20190105.el7 WALinuxAgent
2.0.18-1.el7 wget
1.14-18.el7_6.1 xfsprogs
4.5.0-20.el7 xorg-x11-font-utils
1:7.5-21.el7 xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi
7.5-9.el7 xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi
7.5-9.el7 xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic
7.5-9.el7 xorg-x11-fonts-misc
7.5-9.el7 xorg-x11-fonts-Type1
7.5-9.el7 yum-plugin-versionlock
1.1.31-54.el7_8 zip
3.0-11.el7 zsh
Python 2 packages:
Python 2 package Version setuptools
27.1.2 aws-cfn-bootstrap
1.4.post31 awscli
1.11.105 boto3
1.7.50 category-encoders
1.3.0 cffi
1.11.5 configobj
5.0.6 crypto
1.4.1 cryptography
2.3.1 openpyxl
2.6.3 csvkit
1.0.3 git+
0.5.3 enum34
1.1.6 eventlet
0.19.0 Flask
1.0.2 fping
0.0.1a2 greenlet
0.4.9 idna
2.5 influxdb
4.1.1 ipaddress
1.0.16 ipython
4.2.0 matplotlib
2.2.3 ndg-httpsclient
0.4.0 numpy
1.14.5 pandas
0.23.4 paramiko
2.4.1 pexpect
4.1.0 pika
0.10.0 psutil
4.2.0 psycopg2
2.7.1 pyasn1
0.4.1 pycparser
2.14 pycrypto
2.6.1 pydot
1.4.1 pyOpenSSL
17.1.0 python-gflags
3.0.5 python-ldap
2.4.25 pytz
2016.4 requests
2.17.0 rsa
3.4.2 scipy
1.0.0 six
1.10.0 scikit-learn
0.19.1 statsmodels
0.10.2 toml
0.10.0 xgboost
0.72.1 ansible
2.7.7 mock
3.0.5 kiwisolver
Python 3 packages:
Python 3 package Version agate-dbf
0.2.1 agate-excel
0.2.3 agate-sql
0.5.4 agate
1.6.1 ansible
2.8.5 asn1crypto
0.24.0 awscli
1.16.239 Babel
2.7.0 backcall
0.1.0 bcrypt
3.1.7 boto3
1.9.229 botocore
1.12.229 category-encoders
2.0.0 certifi
2019.9.11 cffi
1.12.3 chardet
3.0.4 Click
7.0 colorama
0.3.9 configobj
5.0.6 crypto
1.4.1 cryptography
2.7 csvkit
1.0.4 cycler
0.10.0 dbfread
2.0.7 decorator
4.4.0 dnspython
1.16.0 docutils
0.15.2 egnyte
0.5.3 enum34
1.1.6 et-xmlfile
1.0.1 eventlet
0.19.0 Flask
1.1.1 fping
0.0.1a2 future
0.17.1 greenlet
0.4.15 idna
2.8 influxdb
5.2.3 ipaddress
1.0.22 ipython-genutils
0.2.0 ipython
7.8.0 isodate
0.6.0 itsdangerous
1.1.0 jdcal
1.4.1 jedi
0.15.1 Jinja2
2.10.1 jmespath
0.9.4 joblib
0.13.2 kiwisolver
1.1.0 leather
0.3.3 MarkupSafe
1.1.1 matplotlib
3.1.1 monotonic
1.5 Naked
0.1.31 ndg-httpsclient
0.5.1 netaddr
0.7.19 numpy
1.17.2 openpyxl
2.6.3 pandas
0.25.1 paramiko
2.6.0 parsedatetime
2.4 parso
0.5.1 patsy
0.5.1 pexpect
4.7.0 pickleshare
0.7.5 pika
1.1.0 prompt-toolkit
2.0.9 psutil
5.6.3 psycopg2
2.8.3 ptyprocess
0.6.0 pyasn1-modules
0.2.6 pyasn1
0.4.7 pycparser
2.19 pycrypto
2.6.1 pydot
1.4.1 Pygments
2.4.2 PyNaCl
1.3.0 pyOpenSSL
19.0.0 pyparsing
2.4.2 python-dateutil
2.8.0 python-gflags
3.1.2 python-ldap
3.2.0 python-slugify
3.0.3 pytimeparse
1.1.8 pytz
2019.2 PyYAML
5.1.2 requests
2.22.0 rsa
3.4.2 s3transfer
0.2.1 scikit-learn
0.21.3 scipy
1.3.1 shellescape
3.4.1 six
1.12.0 SQLAlchemy
1.3.8 statsmodels
0.10.1 text-unidecode
1.2 toml
0.10.0 traitlets
4.3.2 urllib3
1.25.3 wcwidth
0.1.7 Werkzeug
0.15.6 xgboost
0.90 xlrd
R packages:
R package Minimum version broom
0.5.6 EnvStats
2.3.1 forecast
8.12 ggplot2
3.3.1 ggpubr
0.3.0 import
1.1.0 lubridate
1.7.9 magrittr
1.5 padr
0.5.2 timetk
2.0.0 tseries
0.10.47 Rserve xts
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