The nodes.config file

Using the nodes.config file

As you install your appliance, you must configure the nodes.

  1. Run the configuration command in your terminal.

     $ tscli cluster get-config |& tee nodes.config
  2. Fill in the areas specified in Parameters of the nodes.config file with your specific network information, as shown in Autodiscovery of one node example. NOTE: Some of the information in the nodes.config file may be pre-populated from earlier steps. For example, if you specified an IP address while creating VMs, that IP address might already be present in your nodes.config file.

  3. If you have additional nodes, complete each node within the nodes.config file as shown in the Autodiscovery of one node example. Autodiscovery of one node shows the nodes.config file before you fill in your specific information.

Do not edit any part of the nodes.config file except the sections explained in Parameters of the nodes.config file. If you delete quotation marks, commas, or other parts of the code, setup may fail.

See Parameters of the nodes.config file to understand the parameters in the file.

Autodiscovery of one node

 $ tscli cluster get-config |& tee nodes.config
   "ClusterId": "",
    "ClusterName": "",
    "DataNetmask": "",
    "DataGateway": "",
    "IPMINetmask": "",
    "IPMIGateway": "",
    "Timezone": "",
    "NTPServers": ",
    "DNS": "",
    "SearchDomains": "",
    "Nodes": {
      "06:83:1f:f8:99:9e": {
        "NodeId": "06:83:1f:f8:99:9e",
        "Hostname": "",
        "DataIface": {
          "Name": "eth0",
          "IPv4": ""
        "IPMI": {
          "IPv4": ""

Autodiscovery of one node example

 $ vim nodes.config
 "ClusterId": "",
   "ClusterName": "",
   "DataNetmask": "",
   "DataGateway": "",
   "IPMINetmask": "",
   "IPMIGateway": "",
   "Timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
   "NTPServers": ",,,",
   "DNS": ",",
   "SearchDomains": "",
   "Nodes": {
 	"ac:1f:6b:8a:77:f6": {
   	"NodeId": "ac:1f:6b:8a:77:f6",
   	"Hostname": "Thoughtspot-server1",
   	"DataIface": {
     	"Name": "eth2",
     	"IPv4": ""
   	"IPMI": {
     	"IPv4": ""

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