System worksheets and views

Learn about the system worksheets that ThoughtSpot provides.

Most of the monitoring information in System Health comes from system worksheets and views which administrators can view, but not modify. The underlying tables are protected system tables that cannot be accessed directly. However, administrators can create new, custom monitoring reports from the worksheets and views.

Starting in May 2022, ThoughtSpot rebranded pinboards as Liveboards. For backward compatibility, we currently support internal processes and external methods that use the older naming convention.

List the system worksheets and views

To list the system worksheets and views:

  1. Go to the Data tab.

  2. Choose All and All types.

  3. Enter System User in the search field.

Summary of the worksheets

Credits Purchased

Contains data on the number of credits for consumption-based pricing your cluster has, and their expiration date. Used for the Credit Usage Liveboard.

Credit Usage

Tracks the credits for consumption-based pricing your cluster has consumed. Used for the Credit Usage Liveboard.

Product Usage

Contains usage data for the product. Specifies what existing Worksheets, tables, and Views users search on and create objects from, and what those objects are. Specifies what actions users complete in the product. You can also use this Worksheet to view the underlying data sources for any objects, and any object’s dependents. Used for the Object Usage Liveboard.

TS: BI Server

Contains data related to the systems associated with underlying the ThoughtSpot BI server. This includes database latency, browser clients, size of responses, and more.

TS: Database

Contains information related to the database cache and queries run on the database. For example, you could use this worksheet to see data on the query errors returned by the database.

TS: Internal Capacity WS

Describes cluster memory capacity by node over time.

TS: Internal Table Wise Capacity WS

Describes memory capacity by node, table name, shard count, and CSV replication over time.

TS: Metrics

Contains metrics by cluster and host over time.

TS: Search

Contains data related to the number of searches (queries) run in the system. This contains information such as uptime, host, and timestamps.

TS: Service Resources

Contains data related to cluster nodes including page faults, memory usage, memory failures, and more.

TS: Table Info

Describes the named tables by timestamp, row count, row shards, and row size.

TS: Table Row Counts

Describes the named tables by timestamp and row count.

TS: Table Row Counts and Shards

Describes the named tables by timestamp, row count, row shards, and row size.

TS: Table Row Size

Describes the named tables by timestamp and row size.

TS: Table Shards

Describes the named tables by timestamp and shard count.

TS: Embrace Historical Row Fact

Contains data related to row counts for external tables, or tables connected to through Embrace.

TS: Embrace Table Dimension

Contains summary data for each external or Embrace table.

TS: Embrace Stats Worksheet

Contains Embrace table- and query-level stats.

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