
ThoughtSpot has its own company-specific terminology, which is useful to know.

Starting in May 2022, ThoughtSpot rebranded pinboards as Liveboards. For backward compatibility, we currently support internal processes and external methods that use the older naming convention.

An Answer is the result of a search that the user saves in the form of a visualization, such as a table or a chart.


The process of verifying user credentials, and letting them long into ThoughtSpot.

data set, dataset

A collection of related sets of information that is composed of separate elements, but can be manipulated as a unit by a computer. In the case of tabular data, a data set is comprised of one or more database tables, where every column of a table represents a specific variable, and each row corresponds to a record of the data set.


This is a column value that a user can add to search.


This is an expression that applies a calculation, usually a mathematical calculation, to data.

group aggregation

This enables you to aggregate a value by a specific attribute. Also known as pinned aggregation or a level-based measure.


An impression registers when a user enters text into a search bar, or loads a Liveboard.


This is a collection of related Answers, or search results, that appear as tables or visualizations.

pinned measure

This enables you to aggregate a value by a specific attribute. Also known as group aggregation, or a level-based measure.


This is an internal name for a visualization.


This is a query in ThoughtSpot. We call this search because ThoughtSpot queries enable the user to find business information as efficiently as using an Internet search engine.


The text that users enter in the search bar. This includes keywords, column names, and formula names.


Individuals that can log in to ThoughtSpot. See authentication.


This is a visual representation of data. In ThoughtSpot, it is the representation of an answer. In some cases, we use the terms visualization and answer interchangeably.


This is a common abbreviation for visualization.

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