Query-based subscription and rollover

The following information defines a subscription term and how query-based consumption credits roll over.

Subscription term

The subscription term in an order form is the number of years for which base credit packages were purchased.

  • A purchase of one Base-Credit package creates a one-year subscription term.

  • A purchase of three Base-Credit packages creates a three-year subscription term.

Flexible Credits can be used at any time during the subscription term after the Base Credits for the year they were purchased are consumed.

Rollover of credits

Base Credits

Unused Base Credits expire in successive 12-month intervals, beginning with signature to a corresponding order form. They do not roll over.

Flexible Credits

Unused Flexible Credits roll over each year within the subscription term in effect*.

Flexible Credits are valid to use throughout the subscription term for which they were purchased. In addition, a portion of flexible credits can be rolled over to a renewal subscription term as described in the table below.

Rollover of Flexible Credits

Subscription term Rollover within subscription term New subscription term Rollover at time of new subscription term

1 year


1 year or multi-year

Up to 30% of prior contract’s unused Flexible Credits as long as renewal amount >= preceding subscription term.




Up to 15% of prior contract’s unused Flexible Credits as long as renewal amount >= preceding subscription term.

Unused Flexible Credits rolled over from the preceding subscription term expire 12 months after the start date of a new subscription term.

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