Performance tracking Liveboard

Use the Performance Tracking Liveboard to understand how your ThoughtSpot cluster is performing.

Starting in May 2022, ThoughtSpot rebranded pinboards as Liveboards. For backward compatibility, we currently support internal processes and external methods that use the older naming convention.

The Performance Tracking Liveboard contains essential information about your ThoughtSpot cluster’s performance. Use this Liveboard to understand query latency, user traffic, how users are interacting with ThoughtSpot, most frequently loaded tables, and so on.

Performance Tracking Liveboard

To view this Liveboard, click on the Admin tab from the top navigation bar. In the side navigation bar, select Performance Tracking.

Use this Liveboard to view and analyze information about the following topics:

  • query latency

  • whether users are searchers or consumers

  • user traffic

  • database latency

  • query timeouts

  • frequently loaded tables

  • data requests and latency

  • data errors

  • Liveboard latency

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