Deploying on the Dell appliance

Follow these steps to deploy ThoughtSpot on your Dell appliance.

ThoughtSpot has stopped selling and renewing hardware appliance contracts. See CentOS end-of-life announcement for more information, and alternative deployment options.

Follow the steps in this checklist to deploy ThoughtSpot on your Dell appliance:

Step 1: Complete installation prerequisites

Step 2: Review hardware requirements

Step 3: Connect your appliance

Step 4: Configure management settings

Step 5: Configure nodes

Step 6: Install cluster

This guide explains how to deploy ThoughtSpot on a Dell appliance, using ThoughtSpot’s CentOS-based image. You can also deploy ThoughtSpot on a Dell appliance using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), allowing you to run ThoughtSpot on an RHEL 7.8 or 7.9 image that your organization manages internally. To install ThoughtSpot using RHEL, refer to the RHEL and OEL deployment guide.

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