Configure CA SiteMinder

CA SiteMinder can be used as an Identity Provider for single sign on to ThoughtSpot.

Before configuring CA SiteMinder, you must configure SAML in ThoughtSpot. Use this procedure to set up CA SiteMinder for use with ThoughtSpot:

  1. Configure the Local Identity Provider Entity as follows:

    Entity Location


    Entity Type


    Entity ID

    Any (Relevant ID)

    Entity Name

    Any (Relevant name)


    Any (Relevant description)

    Base URL

    https://<FWS_FQDN>, using fully qualified domain name serving SiteMinder services

    Signing Private Key Alias

    Select the correct private key alias or import one if not done already

    Signed Authentication Requests Required


    Supported NameID format


  2. Create the Remote SP Entity, either through a metadata import or manually. To configure the Remote SP entity manually, select Create Entity. Create ThoughtSpot as a Remote Entity with following details:

    Entity Location


    New Entity Type

    SAML2 SP

    Entity ID

    Your cluster

    Entity Name

    Any (relevant name)


    Any (relevant description)

    Assertion Consumer Service URL

    (Relevant URL)

    Verification Certificate Alias

    Select the correct certificate to verify the signature in incoming requests

    Supported NameID Format


  3. Proceed to configure the Federation Partnership between CA SiteMinder (the IDP) and ThoughtSpot (the Remote SP) in CA SiteMinder. Log in to CA SiteMinder.

  4. Navigate to Federation > Partnership Federation > Create Partnership (SAML 2 IDP > SP).

  5. Select Configure Partnership and fill in the following values:

    Add Partnership Name

    Any (relevant name)


    Any (relevant description)

    Local IDP ID

    Select Local IDP ID

    Remote SP ID

    Select Remote SP ID

    Base URL

    Will be pre-populated

    Skew Time

    Any per environment requirement

    User Directories and Search Order

    Select required Directories in required search order

  6. Select Configure Assertion and fill in the following values:

    Name ID Format


    Name ID Type

    User Attribute


    The name of the user attribute, containing the email address or user identifier, such as 'mail'.

  7. Select Configure SSO and SLO and fill in the following values:

    Add Authentication URL

    This should be the URL that is protected by SiteMinder

    SSO Binding

    Select SSO Binding supported by the SP, typically the HTTP-Post


    (Relevant audience)

    Transaction Allowed


    Assertion Consumer Service URL

    Populated using the information from the SP entity

  8. Continue to Partnership Activation, and select Activate.

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