Search Assist Coach

Search Assist overview

Search Assist walks you through simple search scenarios using your company’s data. It demonstrates how anyone can get answers to their data questions by typing in the Search bar.

For example, a Search Assist lesson might ask, What were sales for all products in 2019?

Search Assist guides you to phrase this search as sales product 2019.

The search then returns the answer as a table.

Before new users can learn how to search data using Search Assist, you must create the lessons. With Search Assist Coach, you can use data from your own worksheets to create example queries that appear to users when they first log in to ThoughtSpot and go through onboarding.

Create Search Assist lessons

You can only create your own Search Assist lessons on worksheets, using the Search Assist Coach. You must have the can manage data permission.

To create your own lessons, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the worksheet for which you would like to create example queries.

  2. Select the Search Assist tab, under the worksheet name.

  3. You see the 4 templates for lessons you can create. The templates are:

    • What were measure by attribute in filter?
      For example: What were sales by region in 2019?

    • What were your keyword measure for attribute in filter?
      For example: What were your top selling for products in this quarter?

    • What is the measure of filter per time filter by attribute?
      For example: What is the quantity purchased of shirts per monthly by city?

    • What were measure for filter in filter versus filter filter?
      For example: What were sales for shirts in california versus arizona last week?

  4. Select any template to edit it with your specific data information. In this example, we edit Lesson 1: What were measure by attribute in filter?

    Create your own lesson: Lesson 1 template

    You can edit the language as well as the data-specific parameters. For example, since this example uses Quantity Purchased for its measure, we must change What were to What was the.

    You can only change certain aspects of the query. You can’t totally make up your own queries. While you can alter the language and specify your own measures, attributes, and filters, you can’t change the order in which the query elements appear.

    Don’t use the following punctuation in the text boxes of your queries, or the query may fail: . [ ] ' (period, left and right brackets, apostrophe).

  5. After you fill in all the parameters for a lesson, the answer your query generates appears below the query. Review the answer to ensure it makes sense and provides good context for your users.

  6. Select Save.

    Completed Search Assist query
  7. To clear any lesson template back to its original state, select the Clear this lesson button that appears when you hover over a lesson.

  8. Your users see the sample queries you created when they first log in to ThoughtSpot and go through the onboarding process.

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