Enable ODBC Logs

Learn how to troubleshoot ODBC connections.

If you need more information in order to troubleshoot ODBC connections, you can enable logging for ODBC on the workstation you use for connecting to ThoughtSpot.

There are two points where you can enable logging:

  • The workstation where you run your ETL activities

  • The server where the Simba service runs

On both workstation and servers, the LogLevel property controls the verbosity of the log. This property can be one of the following:

0 or LOG_OFF

no logging occurs


only log fatal errors


log all errors


log all errors and warnings


log all errors, warnings, and informational messages

* 5 or LOG_DEBUG

log method entry and exit points and parameter values for debugging

* 6 or LOG_TRACE

log all method entry points

Larger values include the information from lessor values. For example, if you set the LogLevel to 3 or LOG_WARNING, you log all warnings and all errors.

Enable ODBC logs on a Windows workstation

To enable ODBC logs on Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator and select the System DSN tab.

  2. Select your ThoughtSpot data source and click Configure.

    ODBC Data Source Administrator > System DSN > ThoughtSpot data source > Configure
  3. In the Client Configuration Dialog, select Logging.

    Select Logging in the middle of the screen
  4. Choose a Log Level, depending on what level of verbosity you want to show in the logs.

    Specify a log level
  5. For Log Directory:, type in the fully qualified path where you want the logs to be saved.

    Under Log Directory
  6. Click OK to save your settings, and OK again, to dismiss the ODBC Data Source Administrator.

  7. Run the ODBC load.

  8. Locate the log file that was generated, and send it to ThoughtSpot Support with a description of the problem.

Enable ODBC logs on a Linux workstation

To enable logging on Linux, follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to the directory where you installed ODBC.

  2. Open the odbc.ini file in a text editor.

    This file is the registry and configuration file for ODBC.

  3. Locate the LogLevel and LogPath properties.

  4. Uncomment the properties.

  5. Enter a value for the LogLevel the.

    Acceptable values are from 1 to 6 with 6 being the most verbose.

  6. Enter the fully qualified path for the LogPath values.

    The log will be written here. Your file will look similar to the following: Example for Linux 64-bit:

    Description = ThoughtSpot 64-bit ODBC Driver
    Driver = ThoughtSpot
    ServerList = 12345
    Locale = en-US
    ErrorMessagesPath = /home/admin/linux/ErrorMessages
    UseSsl = 0
    #SSLCertFile = # Set the SSL certificate file path. The certificate file can be obtained by extracting the SDK tarball
    LogLevel = 3 # Set log level to enable debug logging
    LogPath = /home/admin/odbc-logs # Set the debug log files path
    DATABASE = # Set the default database to connect to
    SCHEMA = # Set the default schema to connect to
  7. Save and close the file.

  8. To test the configuration, run the ODBC load and review the log files.

Control logs from the Simba server

You may want to collect logs from the Simba service. Do the following to procedure on every ThoughtSpot node running the Simba service.

  1. SSH into the ThoughtSpot node.

  2. Edit the /etc/thoughtspot/linux.ini file.

    ## Note that this default DriverManagerEncoding of UTF-32
    ## is for iODBC. unixODBC uses UTF-16 by default.
    ## If unixODBC was compiled with -DSQL_WCHART_CONVERT,
    ## then UTF-32 is the correct value.
    ## Execute 'odbc_config --cflags' to determine if you need
    ## UTF-32 or UTF-16 on unixODBC
  3. Uncomment the LogLevel setting.

    The LogLevel is the level of logging to capture (0-6).

  4. Set LogPath to a directory to save the logs.

    The LogPath is the fully qualified path where ThoughtSpot should write the logs.

  5. Work with ThoughtSpot Support to restart the Simba service.

    The node IP may change because of the restart. If this happens, repeat the entire procedure.

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