SpotIQ preferences
Change your SpotIQ basic preferences. These parameters and threshold settings are a subset of those available on the SpotIQ Customize analysis dialog. If you set them here, the settings persist for all your SpotIQ analyses, including when you run custom analyses, unless you explicitly reset options for a custom analysis.
Manage SpotIQ preferences
You can set default preferences for all your SpotIQ analyses.
To specify your SpotIQ preferences, follow these steps:
Select SpotIQ from the top navigation bar. If you do not see that tab, you do not have SpotIQ privileges; contact your administrator.
Select Default preferences in the upper-right corner of your screen. If you are on the classic experience, select the Preferences tab, under the top navigation bar.
Specify email preferences. SpotIQ can email you if an analysis is successful or if it fails. SpotIQ can also attach the analysis Liveboard to the email as a pdf.
Specify data preferences: SpotIQ can exclude null values or measure values of 0 from the analysis. It can also auto-tune the date boundaries.
Specify parameters for analysis: You can specify the maximum p-value, minimum and maximum correlation coefficient, maximum correlation lag, and minimum relative difference.
Select Save.
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