Connect to data
ThoughtSpot Cloud connects to your data through Connections.
Connect to your data through Connections
If your company stores source data externally in data warehouses, you can connect to that data through ThoughtSpot Connections, and then directly query it when using ThoughtSpot’s analysis and visualization features.
On ThoughtSpot Cloud, you can connect to the following external databases:
How to connect to data
Create a connection to the external database.
Choose from each table the columns that you want to explore in your live query.
Primary key and foreign key relationships are imported along with the primary and foreign key tables.
If there are any joins in the tables of your connection, Connections imports these joins.
After your connection is complete, it becomes a linked data source in ThoughtSpot, so you can query the external database directly.
It’s also easy to apply transformations, and filter the data.
Key benefits of connecting to live data
Set up and deploy ThoughtSpot faster by connecting directly to the external database.
Eliminate the need to move data into ThoughtSpot for analysis.
Centralize data management and governance in the external database.
Save significant time and money by avoiding ETL pipelines.
Connect to multiple external databases.
Custom calendar available with Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Azure Synapse
Set up your connection
Add an Amazon Athena connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Amazon Athena database. -
Add an Amazon Aurora MySQL connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Amazon Aurora MySQL database. -
Add an Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL database. -
Add an Amazon RDS MySQL connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Amazon RDS MySQL database. -
Add an Amazon RDS PostgreSQL connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Amazon RDS PostgreSQL database. -
Add an Amazon Redshift connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Amazon RedShift database. -
Add an Azure Synapse connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Azure Synapse database. -
Add a Databricks connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Databricks database. -
Add a Denodo connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Denodo database. -
Add a Dremio connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Dremio database. -
Add a Generic JDBC connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Generic JDBC database. -
Add a Google AlloyDB for PostgreSQL connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Google AlloyDB for PostgreSQL database. -
Add a Google BigQuery connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Google BigQuery database. -
Add a Google Cloud SQL for MySQL connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Google Cloud SQL for MySQL database. -
Add a Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL database. -
Add a Google Cloud SQL for SQL Server connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Google Cloud SQL for SQL Server database.
Add a MySQL connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external MySQL database. -
Add an Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse database. -
Add a PostgreSQL
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external PostgreSQL database. -
Add a Presto connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Presto database. -
Add an SAP HANA connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external SAP HANA database. -
Add a SingleStore connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external SingleStore database. -
Add a Snowflake connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Snowflake database. -
Add a SQL Server connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external SQL Server database. -
Add a Starburst connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Starburst database. -
Add a Teradata connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Teradata database. -
Add a Trino connection
Create the connection between ThoughtSpot and tables in an external Trino database.
Next steps
There are two options to continue setup:
If you completed onboarding, proceed to join tables.
To continue onboarding, create a Worksheet.