Materialization API

The materialization API allows you to synchronize a view’s data with the latest data.

This API enables you to refresh a materialized view to synchronize its data with the latest data load to the underlying tables. You may want to invoke this API in the following scenarios:

  • When the status of a materialized view is Stale (out of sync) due to an incremental data load,

  • When the status of a materialized view is Error due to an error that occurred.

Note that if your materialized view refreshes on a schedule, you cannot use the materialization API to refresh it a second time during the same refresh window.

To refresh a materialized view, you must have the Can administer ThoughtSpot privilege.

Resource URL

`post` /tspublic/v1/materialization/refreshview/\{id}

Request Parameters


ID of the metadata object

Data type


Request Example

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: */*' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' 'https://<instance>/callosum/v1/tspublic/v1/materialization/refreshview/e27f3c1c-a9cd-4996-9029-097449cd6f60'
Request URL

Response Example

Not applicable
204 - Refresh submitted

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