The TML APIs enable you to programmatically export, validate, and import scriptable ThoughtSpot Modeling Language (TML) files. You can use these APIs to automate the change management and deployment processes between your development and production environments. With these APIs, you can easily migrate your ThoughtSpot content from one environment to another by automating the entire change management process and thereby reducing the risk of human error.

Supported operations

POST /tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/import
Imports scriptable in TML that represents objects in an editable and reusable format.

POST /tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/export
Exports ThoughtSpot objects represented in ThoughtSpot Modeling Language (TML).

Import API

To validate and import the TML objects, use the /tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/import API.

You can import single or multiple objects using the tml/import API. If you import only a worksheet object, it may take some time for the worksheet to become available in the ThoughtSpot system. You may need to wait for a few seconds to create answers and pinboards.

However, if you import a worksheet along with pinboards, answers, and other dependent objects in a single API call, the imported objects will be immediately available for use.

Resource URL

POST /tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/import

Request parameters

Form parameter Description Default


Array of strings. An x-www-form-urlencoded string containing a JSON array of TML objects to upload, in YAML or JSON format.

If in YAML format within the JSON array, use escape characters for YAML quotes, and new line characters when there is a new line.

For example:

  • To import a single object, ["guid: 3729c085-8659-48fd-9479-a67bd7307496\npinboard:\n name: …"]

  • To import multiple objects, ["guid: 3729c085-8659-48fd-9479-a67bd7307496\npinboard:\n name: …“, "guid: 5739d025-8659-48fd-9479-a67bd7704212\npinboard:\n name: …”]



String. Policy to follow during import. The allowed values are:

  • PARTIAL Imports all objects that validate successfully, and ignores objects that do not validate successfully.

  • ALL_OR_NONE Imports the objects that validate successfully.

  • VALIDATE_ONLY Validates the objects but does not import them.



Boolean. Specifies if you are updating or creating objects. To create new objects, specify true.

By default, ThoughtSpot updates existing objects that have the same GUID as the objects you are importing. When set to true, the GUID property in the imported TML is replaced on the server, and the response headers will include the id_guid property with the GUID of the new object.

The new object will be assigned a new GUID, even if the imported TML file included a guid value. Thus, there is no need to include the guid in the TML file if you are using force_create=true.


Example request

Make sure the API request has the following headers:

  • The Accept header is set as Accept: text/plain

  • The X-requested-by header set as X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot

curl - X POST \
--header 'Accept: text/plain' \
--header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot'\
--data - urlencode 'import_objects=[{
"guid": "12289fad-f230-485e-8c65-e36082eebf44",
"answer": {
    "name": "Basic Answer 1",
    "description": "This is basic answer with table and headline visualizations.",
    "tables": [{
        "id": "LINEORDER",
        "name": "LINEORDER",
        "fqn": "2445fe81-30d6-46fa-9f42-f6b1b4e01623"
    }, {
        "id": "PART",
        "name": "PART",
        "fqn": "a7fc012e-bdb3-4e75-9ce4-b3f731d90136"
    "search_query": "[LINEORDER_1::Revenue] [PART_1::Color]",
    "answer_columns": [{
        "name": "Total Revenue"
    }, {
        "name": "Color"
    "table": {
        "table_columns": [{
            "column_id": "Color",
            "headline_aggregation": "COUNT_DISTINCT"
        }, {
            "column_id": "Total Revenue",
            "headline_aggregation": "SUM"
        "ordered_column_ids": ["Color", "Total Revenue"]
    "chart": {
        "type": "COLUMN",
        "chart_columns": [{
            "column_id": "Total Revenue"
        }, {
            "column_id": "Color"
        "axis_configs": [{
            "x": ["Color"],
            "y": ["Total Revenue"]
    "display_mode": "TABLE_MODE"
--data-urlencode 'import_policy=PARTIAL'
--data-urlencode 'force_create=true' 'http://<ThoughtSpot-host>/callosum/v1/tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/import'
Request URL

Example response

  "object": [
      "response": {
        "status": {
          "status_code": "OK"
        "header": {
          "id_guid": "a09a3787-e546-42cb-888f-c17260dd1229",
          "name": "Basic Answer 1",
          "description": "This is basic answer with table and headline visualizations.",
          "author_guid": "59481331-ee53-42be-a548-bd87be6ddd4a",
          "owner_guid": "a09a3787-e546-42cb-888f-c17260dd1229",
          "metadata_type": "QUESTION_ANSWER_BOOK"

Response codes

HTTP status code Description


ImportEPackResponse proto serialized as JSON string.


Bad request


Unauthorized or wrong credentials


Forbidden - incorrect permissions


Not found


Internal server error

Export API

To export TML objects, use the /tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/export API.

Resource URL

POST /tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/export

Request parameters

Form parameter Description Default


String. JSON array of the IDs of objects to export. An x-www-form-urlencoded string containing a JSON array of ids of objects to export. You receive results in the order you request them.

For example:

  • To export a single object, ["226abd2843-afef-4c2f-bf2f-8fba065330e"]

  • To export multiple objects, ["226abd2843-afef-4c2f-bf2f-8fba065330e", ”22d305bc51-688b-414f-badc-94579d48308c”]



String. The format in which to export the objects. Valid values are JSON and YAML.



Boolean. Specifies if you would like to export the associated objects. To export the objects associated with the objects specified in export_ids, set the value to true. When set to true, the API exports any underlying worksheets, tables, or views for a given object. By default, the API does not export these underlying objects.


Example request

Make sure the API request has the following headers:

  • The Accept header is set as Accept: text/plain

  • The X-requested-by header must be X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot

curl -X POST
--header 'Accept: text/plain' \
--header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' \
--data-urlencode 'export_ids=["12289fad-f230-485e-8c65-e36082eebf44"]' \
--data-urlencode 'formattype=YAML' \
--data-urlencode 'export_associated=false' \
Request URL

Example response

  "object": [
      "info": {
        "name": "Basic Answer 1",
        "filename": "Basic Answer 1.answer.tml",
        "status": {
          "status_code": "OK"
        "type": "answer",
        "id": "12289fad-f230-485e-8c65-e36082eebf44"
      "edoc": "guid: 12289fad-f230-485e-8c65-e36082eebf44\nanswer:\n  name: Basic Answer 1\n  description: This is the basic answer with table and headline visualizations.\n  tables:\n  - id: LINEORDER\n    name: LINEORDER\n    fqn: 2445fe81-30d6-46fa-9f42-f6b1b4e01623\n  - id: PART\n    name: PART\n    fqn: a7fc012e-bdb3-4e75-9ce4-b3f731d90136\n  joins:\n  - id: Lineorder PartKey - Part PartKey\n    name: Lineorder PartKey - Part PartKey\n    source: LINEORDER\n    destination: PART\n  table_paths:\n  - id: LINEORDER_1\n    table: LINEORDER\n    join_path:\n    - {}\n  - id: PART_1\n    table: PART\n    join_path:\n    - join:\n      - Lineorder PartKey - Part PartKey\n  formulas:\n  - id: f1\n    name: f1\n    expr: \"if ( [Revenue(1992)] > [Revenue(1995)] ) then \\\"l\\\" else \\\"h\\\"\"\n  search_query: \"[LINEORDER_1::Revenue] [LINEORDER_1::Commit Date].1992 vs [LINEORDER_1::Commit Date].1995 [PART_1::Color] [f1]\"\n  answer_columns:\n  - name: FiscalYearNumber(Commit Date) = 1992 OR FiscalYearNumber(Commit Date) = 1995\n  - name: f1\n  - name: Revenue(1992)\n  - name: Revenue(1995)\n  - name: Color\n  table:\n    table_columns:\n    - column_id: f1\n      headline_aggregation: COUNT_DISTINCT\n    - column_id: Color\n      headline_aggregation: COUNT_DISTINCT\n    - column_id: Revenue(1995)\n      headline_aggregation: TABLE_AGGR\n    - column_id: Revenue(1992)\n      headline_aggregation: TABLE_AGGR\n    ordered_column_ids:\n    - Color\n    - f1\n    - Revenue(1992)\n    - Revenue(1995)\n    client_state: \"{\\\"widthState\\\":{},\\\"wrapTableHeader\\\":true}\"\n    client_state_v2: \"{\\\"tableVizPropVersion\\\": \\\"V1\\\",\\\"wrapTableHeader\\\": true,\\\"columnProperties\\\": [{\\\"columnId\\\": \\\"6204abeb-31a5-4789-a5a5-6124caf32d67\\\",\\\"columnProperty\\\": {}},{\\\"columnId\\\": \\\"f30157ce-7da4-4cd3-a11b-346b9ec5b398\\\",\\\"columnProperty\\\": {}}]}\"\n  chart:\n    type: COLUMN\n    chart_columns:\n    - column_id: f1\n    - column_id: Revenue(1992)\n    - column_id: Revenue(1995)\n    axis_configs:\n    - x:\n      - f1\n      y:\n      - Revenue(1992)\n      - Revenue(1995)\n    client_state: \"\"\n    client_state_v2: \"{\\\"version\\\": \\\"V4\\\",\\\"chartProperties\\\": {\\\"chartSpecific\\\": {}},\\\"axisProperties\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"b53fcf8a-fd80-4e34-9ec0-7da8acd90cf4\\\",\\\"properties\\\": {\\\"axisType\\\": \\\"Y\\\",\\\"linkedColumns\\\": [\\\"Revenue(1992)\\\"],\\\"isOpposite\\\": false}},{\\\"id\\\": \\\"7f5859b1-88ea-4cf7-a2fd-3e1524de2ffa\\\",\\\"properties\\\": {\\\"axisType\\\": \\\"Y\\\",\\\"linkedColumns\\\": [\\\"Revenue(1995)\\\"],\\\"isOpposite\\\": true}},{\\\"id\\\": \\\"a790945d-124e-44bf-bfc1-998b5924621d\\\",\\\"properties\\\": {\\\"axisType\\\": \\\"X\\\",\\\"linkedColumns\\\": [\\\"f1\\\"]}}]}\"\n  display_mode: TABLE_MODE\n"

Response codes

HTTP status code Description


Returned EDoc (TML) representation of metadata


Bad request


Unauthorized - wrong credentials


Forbidden - incorrect permissions


Not found


Internal server error

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