Other search actions

There are other search actions you can perform by interacting directly with your answer.

These actions can be performed in an ad-hoc way, or you can pin your answer to a pinboard to save your configurations.

  • Change view options

    You can change the view of your answer so it appears as a table or a chart.

    Sorting your search allows you to order your answer, making it easier to read.

    You can change the date bucketing on tables and charts for columns with date values.

  • Show underlying data

    Viewing the underlying data of your answer gives you an un-aggregated view of the underlying data.

  • Drill down

    Drilling down allows you to see more information about the columns used within your search.

  • Exclude and include row values

    You can include or exclude row values from your answer.

  • Apply conditional formatting

    You can apply conditional formatting to tables or charts to highlight values in the data.

    This makes values over, under, or within a particular threshold stand out.

  • Work with saved answers

    You can make a copy of an answer if you would like to make edits without changing the original answer.

  • Download your search

    You can download your search as either a table or chart.

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