REST API Reference

User management

POST /tspublic/v1/user/
Creates a user account.

PUT /tspublic/v1/user/{userid}
Modifies a user account.

GET /tspublic/v1/user/
Gets details of the users in a ThoughtSpot system.

DELETE /tspublic/v1/user/{userid}
Deletes a user account.

GET /tspublic/v1/user/list
Gets all users, groups, and their inter-dependencies.

POST /tspublic/v1/user/updatepreference
Modifies a user profile.

POST /tspublic/v1/user/transfer/ownership
Transfers the ownership of objects from one user to another.

POST /tspublic/v1/user/updatepassword
Changes the password of a user account.

POST /tspublic/v1/user/sync
Synchronizes user and group properties from an external database with the user data on ThoughtSpot.

Group management

POST /tspublic/v1/group/
Creates a user group.

PUT /tspublic/v1/group/{groupid}
Modifies a user group.

GET /tspublic/v1/group/
Gets details of a user group.

POST /tspublic/v1/group/{groupid}/user/{userid}
Assigns user to a group.

GET /tspublic/v1/group/listuser/{groupid}
Gets a list of users assigned to a group.

POST /tspublic/v1/group/addprivilege
Assigns a privilege to a user group.

POST /tspublic/v1/group/removeprivilege
Removes the privilege assigned to a group.

DELETE /tspublic/v1/group/{groupid}/user/{userid}
Removes a user from a user group.

DELETE /tspublic/v1/group/{groupid}
Deletes a user group.

Session management

POST /tspublic/v1/session/auth/token
Authenticates and logs in a user.

POST /tspublic/v1/session/login
Obtains an authentication token for a user.

GET /tspublic/v1/session/login/token
Authenticates and logs in a user to ThoughtSpot.

POST /tspublic/v1/session/logout
Logs out a user from an existing session.

POST /tspublic/v1/session/homepinboard
Sets a specific pinboard as a home pinboard.

GET /tspublic/v1/session/homepinboard
Returns the GUID of the pinboard that is set as a home pinboard for the current logged-in user.

DELETE /tspublic/v1/session/homepinboard
Removes the home pinboard settings for the current logged-in user.

Metadata management

POST /tspublic/v1/metadata/assigntag
Assigns tags to a metadata object, such as a pinboard, search answer, table, worksheet, or view.

GET /tspublic/v1/metadata/details
Gets metadata details for a specific data object such as a pinboard, search answer, or a worksheet.

GET /tspublic/v1/metadata/listas
Gets a list of metadata objects for a user or user group.

GET /tspublic/v1/metadata/listobjectheaders
Lists metadata object headers in the repository.

GET /tspublic/v1/metadata/listvizheaders
Gets visualization headers from the ThoughtSpot system.

POST /tspublic/v1/metadata/markunmarkfavoritefor
Adds objects to favorites for a given user account.

DELETE /tspublic/v1/metadata/markunmarkfavoritefor
Removes the objects from a user’s favorites list.

Configuration management

GET /tspublic/v1/admin/configinfo
Gets details of the current configuration of a ThoughtSpot cluster.

POST /tspublic/v1/admin/configinfo/update
Updates the configuration settings of the current ThoughtSpot cluster.

GET /tspublic/v1/admin/configinfo/override
Gets details of configuration overrides on the current ThoughtSpot cluster.

Materialization service

POST /tspublic/v1/materialization/refreshview/{id}
Allows you to refresh a materialized view.

TML objects

POST /tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/import
Imports scriptable in TML that represents objects in an editable and reusable format.

POST /tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/export
Exports ThoughtSpot objects represented in ThoughtSpot Modeling Language (TML).

Pinboard data

POST /tspublic/v1/export/pinboard/pdf
Downloads a pinboard or specific visualizations from a pinboard as a PDF file.

POST /tspublic/v1/pinboarddata
Gets pinboard data from the ThoughtSpot application.

Search data

POST /tspublic/v1/searchdata
Allows searching for data from a specific data source in the ThoughtSpot application.

Dependent objects API

POST /tspublic/v1/dependency/listdependents
Gets a list of dependents for a given data object type.

Security API endpoints

POST /tspublic/v1/security/share
Shares ThoughtSpot objects with another user or user group.

POST /tspublic/v1/security/shareviz
Shares a specific visualization with another user or user group.

Database and schema

GET /tspublic/v1/database/tables
Gets a list of all tables in a database and schema in Falcon.

GET /tspublic/v1/database/schemas
Gets a list of all schemas in a particular database in Falcon.

GET /tspublic/v1/database/databases
Gets a list of all databases in Falcon.

GET /tspublic/v1/database/getTableDetail
Gets details of a particular table.

POST /tspublic/v1/database/createtable
Creates tables in a database.

POST /tspublic/v1/database/run
Runs TQL commands with SQL statements.

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