Delete an Amazon Redshift connection
A connection can be used in multiple data sources or visualizations. Because of this, you must delete all data sources, answers, and pinboards that depend on the connection before you can delete it.
Follow these steps to delete an existing connection:
Click Data in the top navigation bar.
Click the Connections tab at the top of the page.
Find the name of the connection.
For your convenience,
Sort each column: Connection name, Modified (date), or Author.
Search on these categories.
Check the box next to the connection you want to delete.
Click Delete.
In the Confirm delete window, click Delete again.
If you attempt to delete a connection with dependent objects, ThoughtSpot blocks the operation. A Cannot delete window appears, with a list of links to dependent objects.
Click the link for each object to either modify it by removing the dependency on the connection, or delete it.
To close the window, click OK.
After you resolve the dependencies, you can delete the table.
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