Keyword reference
Use keywords to help define a search.
Keywords in other languages
Currently, we offer the following keyword languages:
To control language, date, and number formats on the ThoughtSpot UI, see how to set locale preferences in your user profile.
You can only use one set of keywords at a time. For example, if you set your locale to Deutsch, you can only use Deutsch keywords. You can’t also use English keywords.
When using the top or bottom keywords without specifying a number (n), the number defaults to 10 .
- top n
Generates the top n items from a sorted result. If your search has more than 1 measure, ThoughtSpot generates the top n items from the first measure in the search.
- Examples
top 10 sales rep revenue top sales rep by count sales for average revenue > 10000 sales rep average revenue for each region top
- top n measure1 by attribute|measure2
Calculates top n items, then sorts the top items by another measure or attribute.
Contrast with top n (swaps the order of operations).
- Example
top 10 sales rep revenue by profit margin
- top n … ranked by
Ranks the top n items by a specified measure. The
ranked by
keyword only works in conjunction with thetop
keyword. If your search has more than 1 measure, ThoughtSpot generates the top n items from the first measure in the search.- Examples
top 10 sales rep revenue sales ranked by sales top customer revenue generated # of ads clicked ranked by # of ads clicked
- bottom n
Generates the bottom n items from a sorted result.
- Examples
bottom 25 customer by revenue for each sales rep bottom revenue average bottom revenue by state customer by revenue for each sales rep bottom
- sort by
Sorts the result set by an attribute or measure.
- Examples
revenue by state sort by average revenue descending revenue by customer sort by region sort by state
- by <measure>
Treats the measure as an attribute and groups the result set by it.
- Examples
cost by revenue product by quantity purchased
The last keyword returns the last n full periods and does not include the current period. For example, last 6 hours returns the last 6 full hours and does not include the current hour. To include the current period, add this <period> . For example, last 6 hours this hour .
- after
- Example
order date after 10/31/2014
- before
- Example
order date before 03/01/2014
- between ... and ...
- Example
order date between 01/30/2012 and 01/30/2014
- daily
- Example
shipments by region daily
- daily year-over-year
- Example
growth of revenue by order date daily year-over-year
- day
- Example
count monday restaurant
- day of week
- Example
revenue by day of week last 6 months
- day of week
- Example
count shipments Monday
- growth of … by ...
- Example
growth of sales by order date
- growth of … by … daily
- Example
growth of sales by order date daily
- growth of … by … monthly
- Example
growth of sales by date shipped monthly sales > 24000
- growth of … by … quarterly
- Example
growth of sales by date shipped quarterly
- growth of … by … weekly
- Example
growth of sales by receipt date weekly for pro-ski2000
- growth of … by … yearly
- Example
growth of sales by date closed yearly
- hourly
- Example
visitors by page name hourly
- last day by
- Example
customers last day by referrer
- last month
- Example
customers last month by store
- last month by
- Example
customers last month by day
- last n days
- Example
visitors last 7 days
- last n months
- Example
visitors last 10 months by day
- last n quarters
- Example
visitors last 2 quarters by month by campaign
- last n weeks
- Example
visitors last 10 weeks by day
- last n years
- Example
visitors last 5 years by revenue for sum revenue > 5000
- last quarter
- Example
customers last quarter sale > 300
- last week
- Example
customers last week by store
- last year
- Example
top 10 customers last year by sale by store for region west
- month
- Example
revenue by month last year
- month
- Example
commission January
- month to date
- Example
sales by product month to date sales > 2400
- month year
- Example
commission by sales rep February 2014
- monthly
- Example
commission > 10000 monthly
- monthly year-over-year
- Example
growth of revenue by receipt date monthly year-over-year
- n days ago
- Example
sales 2 days ago
- last n days for each month
- Example
sales last 2 days for each month
- last n days for each quarter
- Example
revenue last 15 days for each quarter
- last n days for each week
- Example
total sold last 2 days for each week
- last n days for each year
- Example
revenue last 300 days for each year
- last n hours for each day
- Example
sales last 2 hours for each day
- n months
- Example
visitors last 6 months for homepage visits > 30 by month
- n months ago
- Example
sales 2 months ago by region
- last n months for each quarter
- Example
cost last 2 months for each quarter
- last n months for each year
- Example
last 8 months for each year
- n quarters ago
- Example
sales 4 quarters ago by product name contains deluxe
- last n quarters for each year
- Example
last 2 quarters for each year
- n weeks ago
- Example
sales 4 weeks ago by store
- last n weeks for each month
- Example
sales last 3 weeks for each month
- last n weeks for each quarter
- Example
last 2 weeks for each quarter
- last n weeks for each year
- Example
last 3 weeks for each year
- n years
- Example
opportunities next 5 years by revenue
- n years ago
- Example
sales 5 years ago by store for region west
- next day
- Example
shipments next day by order
- next month
- Example
appointments next month by day
- next n days
- Example
shipments next 7 days
- next n months
- Example
openings next 6 months location
- next n quarters
- Example
opportunities next 2 quarters by campaign
- next n weeks
- Example
shipments next 10 weeks by day
- next n years
- Example
projected deals next 5 years
- next quarter
- Example
opportunities next quarter amount > 30000
- next week
- Example
shipments next week by store
- next year
- Example
opportunities next year by sales rep
- quarter to date
- Example
sales by product quarter to date for top 10 products by sales
- quarterly
- Example
sales quarterly for each product
- quarterly year-over-year
- Example
growth of revenue by date shipped quarterly year-over-year
- this day
- Example
shipments this day by order
- this month
- Example
appointments this month by day
- this quarter
- Example
opportunities this quarter amount > 30000
- this week
- Example
shipments this week by store
- this year
- Example
opportunities this year by sales rep
- today
- Example
sales today by store
- week
- Example
revenue by week last quarter
- week to date
- Example
sales by order date week to date for pro-ski200
- weekly
- Example
revenue weekly
- weekly year-over-year
- Example
growth of revenue by date shipped weekly year-over-year
- year
- Example
revenue by product 2014 product name contains snowboard
- year to date
- Example
sales by product year to date
- yearly
- Example
shipments by product yearly
- yesterday
- Example
sales yesterday for pro-ski200 by store
The last keyword returns the last n full periods and does not include the current period. For example, last 6 hours returns the last 6 full hours and does not include the current hour. To include the current period, add this <period> . For example, last 6 hours this hour .
- detailed
- Example
ship time detailed
- last hour
- Example
count unique visits last hour
- last minute
- Example
count homepage views last minute
- n hours
- Example
count visitors [ last | next ] 12 hours
- n hours ago
- Example
sum inventory by product by store 2 hours ago
- n minutes
- Example
count visitors [ last | next ] 30 minutes
- n minutes ago
- Example
sum inventory by product 10 minutes ago
- next hour
- Example
count projected visitors next hour
- next minute
- Example
count projected visitors next minute
- this hour
- Example
count visitors this hour
- this minute
- Example
count visitors this minute
- begins with Update
- Examples
product name begins with 'pro' // returns all products that start with 'pro' product name begins with 'pro' product name begins with 'sport' // returns all products that start with 'pro' // OR 'sport' product name begins with 'pro' product color begins with 'bl' // returns all products that start with 'pro' // AND have color that starts with 'bl' (blue or black)
- contains
- Example
product name contains "alpine" description contains "snow shoe"
- ends with
- Example
product name ends with 'deluxe'
- similar to
- Example
course name similar to 'hand'
- not begins with
- Example
product name not begins with "tom's"
- not contains
- Example
product color not contains 'tan' product color not contains 'red'
- not ends with
- Example
product name not ends with "trial"
- not similar to
- Example
course name not similar to 'hand'
Starting with release 6.3,
For example, if you search for |
- average
- Example
average revenue by store
- count
- Example
count visitors by site
- max
- Example
max sales by visitor by site
- min
- Example
min revenue by store by campaign for cost > 5000
- standard deviation
- Example
standard deviation revenue by product by month for date after 10/31/2010
- sum
- Example
sum revenue
- unique count
- Example
unique count visitor by product page last week
- variance
- Example
variance sale amount by visitor by product for last year
- Example
revenue asia vs all
The all
keyword can only be used as part of a versus phrase.
between... and...
- Example
revenue between 0 and 1000
- Example
unique count visitor by store purchased products = 3 for last 5 days
- Example
revenue asia vs everything
The everything
keyword can only be used as part of a versus phrase.
(greater than)-
- Example
sum sale amount by visitor by product for last year sale amount > 2000
(greater than or equal)-
- Example
count calls by employee lastname >= m
(less than)-
- Example
unique count visitor by product by store for sale amount < 20
(less than or equal)-
- Example
count shipments by city latitude <= 0
(not equal)-
- Example
sum sale amount region != canada date != last 5 days
- Example
revenue east vs west
ThoughtSpot does not support the use of group_* formula measures with the vs
You can use special constants for null and empty values with the =
and !=
keywords: {null}
and {empty}
. For example: customer name = {empty}
or department != {null}
. NULL values are missing or invalid (for example, dividing by 0) values. ThoughtSpot also shows NULL if you have n/a
in your data. Empty values are empty strings of text or strings containing only whitespace (spaces, tabs).
Location keywords only work for searches where the data source includes latitude/longitude data. You can only use them if you bring your data into ThoughtSpot’s in-memory database. You cannot use these keywords if you connect to your data in an external database. |
- farther than n miles|km|meters from …
- Example
average hours worked branch farther than 80 km from scarborough
- near
- Example
revenue store name county near san francisco
- near … within n miles|km|meters
- Example
revenue store name county near alameda within 50 miles
- day
- Example
orders by day
- day of month
- Example
sales day of month by month
- day of quarter
- Example
deals day of quarter by year
- day of week
- Example
customers by week day of week
- day of year
- Example
ad clicks day of year by year
- hour
- Example
visitors by hour weekly
- month of quarter
- Example
purchases month of quarter by year
- quarter
- Example
purchases by quarter
- quarter of year
- Example
opportunities quarter of year last 4 years yearly
- week of month
- Example
product shipments week of month yearly
- week of quarter
- Example
revenue week of quarter
- week of year
- Example
new products week of year last 3 years yearly
In / Not in
Starting with release 6.2, searches with the in keyword do not include {null} values. To include these {null} values, create a formula for the relevant attribute in your search, to convert {null} values to 'unknown,' or some similar word.
- in
Query in query search (intersection of two sets). Must match last attribute before keyword with first attribute inside subsearch.
- Syntax
attribute in (attribute subsearch)
- Examples
store name in (top 10 store name by sales footwear) product name 2014 product name in (product name 2013) sales
- not in
Relative complement of two sets. Must match last attribute before keyword with first attribute inside subsearch.
- Syntax
attribute not in (attribute subsearch)
- Example
product name 2014 product name not in (product name 2013) sales
Find sales for all products ordered in 2014 that were not ordered in 2013