Save and share R visualizations

You can save and share R analyses Deprecated 7.1.1 as answers and pinboards.

In terms of sharing, the R visualization you get as a result of running a script is similar to any other search result in ThoughtSpot. You can save it, share it, and add it to pinboards.

Save an R visualization

  1. Click the more options icon more options menu icon above the generated graphic or table containing your analysis, and select Save from the menu.

    r time forecast options
  2. Add a name and description for the analysis, and click Save. The saved analysis is added to Answers.

Share an R visualization

  1. Click the Share icon sharing icon. above the generated graphic or table containing your analysis.

    r viz share
  2. Select and add the user or group with which to share, along with level of access (Can View, Can Edit), and then click Done.

    sharing from r script

Add an R visualization to a pinboard

  1. Click the pin above the generated graphic or table containing your analysis.

    r viz pin
  2. Create a new pinboard or select an existing pinboard, then click Done. You can find the visualization in Pinboards.

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