Fixed issues

These are the issues we fixed in this release of ThoughtSpot Cloud. release fixed issues

Issue ID Description


Making natural language search queries on a Liveboard using Ask Sage results in a 500 error message under the following circumstances:

  1. Opening the Select data source window from the Sage search bar.

  2. Entering a question, but not selecting any data source.

  3. Closing the Select data source window.

  4. Clicking Ask Sage.


KPI watchlist and shared Liveboard emails are not received even though the schedule history in ThoughtSpot indicates they were sent successfully.


Unable to sign in to a ThoughtSpot Cloud cluster directly, using SSO, or when ThoughtSpot is embedded.


Object Usage Liveboards within non-primary Orgs display no data for users, while the Object Usage Liveboards in the primary Org display the data correctly.


Liveboards do not load and a "Request failed with status code 500" error appears.


Object usage Liveboards display no data and the admin cannot search for them either.


Using the Explore feature in a Liveboard does not provide suggestions, even after reloading multiple times.


Embedded Liveboards do not load after the customer sets the locale in their embed configuration to an unsupported format.


Loading ThoughtSpot causes the Microsoft Edge web browser to crash.


User sees the request access page when trying to view a Liveboard, even though the URL to the Liveboard is already shared with them.


When the default system language is not set, it causes missing localization files which result in 'couldn’t complete your request' errors on the Liveboard and home pages. In addition, Liveboards and Answers do not work correctly on the Develop page.


When navigating between certain pages in ThoughtSpot, the URL sometimes doesn’t reflect the user’s location in ThoughtSpot.


Upgrading the software version of a cluster sometimes fails to start and results in an error.


Updating the columns in the TML for a table causes a 'System error has occurred' error.


Override filters are not applied for date columns when using a custom calendar in a Liveboard.


User is unable to sign in to ThoughtSpot after SAML authentication.


Groups from Microsoft Active Directory are duplicated in ThoughtSpot.


Querygen error message 'Error Message: Failed validation for PinnedMeasureTransformerV0: QueryTable contains an expression with nested aggregation.' appears after upgrade when adding avg_Settlement_Price>0 to a query.


Internal system connection called TAP is visible in Connections when it shouldn’t be.

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