Donut charts
The donut chart is a classic chart type that displays your search in a circle. The default donut chart in ThoughtSpot displays data in the shape of a thick ring.
How donut charts divide data
Donut charts divide your data into sectors that each represent a proportion of a whole circle.
To display the exact values of each slice and the percentage values, select the Chart configuration icon > Settings > All labels.

Your search needs at least one attribute and one measure to be represented as a donut chart. Also, there must be fewer than 50 values in the attribute column.
Pie in donut charts
The pie in donut chart can be created from a regular donut chart in order to compare more than one component of an attribute. Pie in donut charts show two concentric pie charts comparing different measures.
To see a pie in donut chart, assign two different measures to the Size section under Edit chart configuration .

Color customization of pie in donut charts
You can customize the colors of each pie in a donut chart using the Style widget. Note that if you have a pie in donut chart, you change the colors for both widgets that apply to the same attribute value.
Select the Chart configuration icon
Under Category, select the attribute whose colors you would like to change.
Select the Color dropdown menus for each attribute value and change them.
Select the x in the upper right of the panel.
Optionally, select Reset to use the default color.
Save your changes.