Overview board

The Overview Pinboard provides useful information about your cluster.

The Overview Pinboard summarizes essential information about your cluster and its users. Choose Admin  System Health  Overview to see this Pinboard.

Understand system boards and pinboards

The Overview page includes system panels and standard ThoughtSpot answers. The system charts are generated in real time and rely on internal system data. The answers rely on underlying system Worksheets which are available to ThoughtSpot administrators. The information in these Worksheets is updated hourly from internal tables that collect monitoring statistics.

Each answer has a menu. You can present or copy the links to the system charts. The answers have a subset of the ThoughtSpot answer menu. You can use the menu to do additional actions such as download the answer or present information about your ThoughtSpot cluster. While you can interact with and change the search, you cannot save changes to the underlying query.

You can also interact with the answers, drilling into them to explore the detail as with any other Pinboard answer.

To find out how a particular answer was created, do the following:

  1. Select Edit from the panel menu.

    panel data

    This displays a Search bar.

  2. Investigate the components of the search as you would normally.

    admin panel details

Cluster Summary

This system panel contains basic information about your cluster. The NUMBER OF NODES is the number of installed nodes. This doesn’t reflect the active nodes which may be more or less.

This summary includes the LAST SNAPSHOT TIME it reflects whether regular snapshots of your cluster are collected. This value should update regularly in real time. If you do not see it change or empty, you should check your cluster snapshot policy using the tscli command:

 $ tscli snapshot-policy show
 schedule {
   period {
     number: 1
     unit: HOUR
   retention_policy {
     bucket {
       time {
         number: 1
         unit: HOUR
       capacity: 3
     bucket {
       time {
         number: 4
         unit: HOUR
       capacity: 2
   offset_minutes_from_sunday_midnight: 0
 enabled: false

You can see this policy is disabled, which is a problem. Production clusters should enable the default snapshot policy. When you show or enable the snapshot policy, you can see your tscli command reflected in the Configuration Events panel on this same page.

Display the features used in a cluster configuration

  1. Log in to the ThoughtSpot cluster as the admin user.

  2. Use the tscli feature subcommand to display your current configuration.

     $ tscli feature get-all-config
     |              NAME               |  STATUS  | CONFIGURATION |
     | Firewall                        | Disabled |               |
     | Saml                            | Disabled |               |
     | Ldap                            | Disabled |               |
     | CustomBranding                  | Disabled |               |
     | CustomBrandingFontCustomization | Disabled |               |
     | DataConnect                     | Disabled |               |
     | RLS                             | Enabled  |               |
     | Callhome                        | Enabled  |               |
     | SSHTunnel                       | Enabled  |               |
     | Fileserver                      | Disabled |               |

Relational Data Cache

This section reports real-time information about tables in your cluster. Worksheet data is not included.

Value Description


Number of currently loaded tables.


Number of table loads in-progress.


Number of tables being loaded for the first time.


Number of rows combined across all tables in ThoughtSpot.

Relational Search Engine

Value Description


Tables that are indexed and can be searched.


Total of in-progress table indexing.


Total of first-time, in-progress table indexing.


Number of tokens of all table (combined) indexed in ThoughtSpot.

Critical Alerts

Displays critical and warning alerts. This includes when an alert was generated and from which service and machine. Administrators can get a custom report by issuing a tscli alert list on the appliance:

tscli alert list --since 4w

The critical alerts you can encounter in this display are the following:


Msg: Task {{.Service}}.{{.Task}} terminated {{._actual_num_occurrences}} times in last {{._earliest_duration_str}}


This alert is raised when a task is crashing repeatedly. The service is evaluated across the whole cluster. So, if a service crashes 5 times in a day across all nodes in the cluster, this alert is generated.


Msg: Oreo terminated on machine {{.Machine}}


This alert is raised when the Oreo daemon on a machine terminates due to an error. This typically happens due to an error accessing Zookeeper, HDFS, or a hardware issue.


Msg: HDFS has less than {{.Perc}}% space free


This alert is raised when a HDFS cluster is low on total available disk space.


Msg: Zookeeper is not accessible


This alert is raised when Zookeeper is inaccessible.


Msg: Periodic backup failed {{._actual_num_occurrences}} times in last {{._earliest_duration_str}}


This alert is raised when a periodic backup failed repeatedly.


Msg: Periodic snapshot failed {{._actual_num_occurrences}} times in last {{._earliest_duration_str}}


This alert is raised when a periodic snapshot failed repeatedly.


Msg: {{.Service}}.{{.Task}} on {{.Machine}} at location {{.Location}}


This alert is raised when Application raises invalid state alert.

The possible alert types are CRITICAL, WARNING, ERROR, and INFO. For a full reference, see the Alert code reference.

Space Utilization

The Space Utilization chart is one of the available charts for you to use when checking the cluster overview. This line chart displays the total capacity and estimated used capacity over time.

memory usage chart

The x-axis is by time and the y-axis measures the size in GB. You can zoom in and see daily or hourly utilization data. So, in the Space Utilization chart above, the green line shows the amount of capacity in use in the system, while the red line shows the total capacity. An increase in the red line at the end of a time period indicates the addition of extra hardware, resulting in increased capacity.

The query for this answer is the following:

day of timestamp
total capacity (gb)
total used space (gb)
last 90 days last 25 hours
total capacity (gb) > 0
total used space (gb) > 0

The chart relies on the TS: Internal Table Wise Capacity WS worksheet. It tracks total used space, which consists of raw uncompressed data, including replication.

Monthly Active Users

This chart shows the number of active users in the system over the last four months, and during the current month. An active user is defined as a user who has logged in at least one time in the defined time interval, in this case months.

The query for this answer is the following:

last 4 months this month
active users
user != {null}

This query relies on the TS: BI Server worksheet.

Monthly Ad-hoc Searches

Number of ad-hoc searches (queries) issued per month. An ad-hoc query is defined as any search or change to a search that builds a new answer (result). An ad-hoc search can also be generated through SpotIQ or another UI/API interaction.

ThoughtSpot considers all of the following as ad-hoc searches (queries):

  • User edits tokens (boxed terms) in the search bar.

  • User opens an existing saved answer and makes changes to tokens in the search bar.

  • User opens an existing saved Pinboard, edits a visualization, and makes change to the search tokens.

  • Searches initiated by an API call for data with runtime filters

It is not considered a search (query) in this context if a user opens an existing saved aggregated Worksheet and makes changes to its underlying query.

The query for this answer is the following:

ad-hoc search
user action = 'answer_pinboard_context' 'answer_saved' 'answer_unsaved'
last 4 months this month

This answer relies on data from the TS: BI Server worksheet.

Monthly Pinboard Views

Number of times a saved Pinboard is viewed by a user. These scenarios are considered Pinboard views:

  • User opens an existing saved Pinboard.

  • User opens an embedded Pinboard from a URL.

  • Pinboard data is accessed using the an API.

These scenarios are not considered Pinboard views:

  • A user opens SpotIQ tab Pinboards.

  • A user opens admin tab Pinboards.

  • The system loads a Pinboard on the homepage.

  • The system loads the 'learn how to use ThoughtSpot' Pinboard.

The query underlying this answer is:

pinboard views
user action = 'pinboard_embed_view' 'pinboard_tspublic_no_runtime_filter' 'pinboard_tspublic_runtime_filter' 'pinboard_view'
last 4 months this month

The query uses the TS: BI Server data source.

Top Users Last Month

This answer shows the top ThoughtSpot users ranked by number of actions the users performed in the last 30 days. The possible user actions include:

answer_unsaved User makes a change to tokens in the search bar.
answer_saved User opens an existing saved Answer and makes changes to tokens in the search bar.
answer_pinboard_context User opens an existing saved Pinboard, edits a context viz and makes a change to tokens in the search bar.
answer_aggregated_worksheet User opens an existing saved aggregated Worksheet and makes changes to tokens in the search bar.
answer_upgrade Requests made for the sole purpose of upgrade.
pinboard_view User opens an existing saved Pinboard.
pinboard_filter User adds, removes or applies values to a Pinboard filter.
pinboard_ad_hoc User drills down in a Pinboard viz.
data_chart_config Request for new data being generated following a chart config change.
data_show_underlying_row Request to show underlying data for a data row(s).
data_export Request to export data.
pinboard_tspublic_runtime_filter Request to TSPublic/pinboarddata with runtime filters.
answer_aggregated_worksheet_save User updates aggregated Worksheet.
answer_add_new_filter User adds a filter using the UI.
data_show_underlying_viz Request to show underlying data for a data row(s).
answer_view User opens an existing, saved Answer.
answer_viz_context_view User opens an existing saved Pinboard, edits a context viz.
pinboard_insight_view User opens SpotIQ tab Pinboards.
pinboard_admin_view User opens admin tab Pinboards.
pinboard_embed_view User opens embed Pinboard from a URL.
pinboard_homepage_view On loading of homepage Pinboard.
pinboard_learn_view On loading learn Pinboard.
pinboard_tspublic_no_runtime_filter Request to TSPublic/pinboard data without runtime filters.

The query underlying this answer is:

top 10
ranked by user actions
user action != 'invalid'
user != {null}
last 30 days today

The query uses the TS: BI Server data source.

Top Pinboards Last Month

This answer shows the top ThoughtSpot users ranked by number of Pinboard actions the user performed in the last 30 days. The possible user actions include:

  • User opens an existing saved Pinboard ('pinboard_view').

  • User opens an embedded Pinboard from a URL ('pinboard_embed_view' ).

  • Pinboard data is accessed using an API ('pinboard_tspublic_no_runtime_filter' or 'pinboard_tspublic_runtime_filter').

The query underlying this answer is:

top 10
ranked by pinboard views
user action = 'pinboard_embed_view' 'pinboard_tspublic_no_runtime_filter' 'pinboard_tspublic_runtime_filter' 'pinboard_view'
pinboard != {null}
last 30 days today

The query uses the TS: BI Server data source.

Configuration Events

This system answer displays recent events that changed the configuration of the system. This panel displays configuration events related to: Cluster Configuration:: Reports configuration actions from the tscli and tql commands. Metadata Management:: Events related to metadata such as column names, column visibility, column and data definition, column rank and so forth. User Management:: Events related to creating, updating, or adding new users and groups.

For a more detailed list, including the user that issued a command, you can use the tscli event list command. Administrators can ssh into the cluster and specify a time period or even a type of command to include.

[admin@testsystem ~]$ tscli event list --since 3d
|             DATE              |       USER            |           SUMMARY          |
| 2018-03-06 11:57:10 -0800 PST |[email protected] | User Management: User      |
|                               |                       | "guest_1" updated          |
| 2018-03-06 11:48:10 -0800 PST |admin                  | tscli node ls              |
| 2018-03-06 11:17:04 -0800 PST |[email protected] | Metadata Management:       |
|                               |                       | Metadata object "Number of |
|                               |                       | Opportunity                |
|                               |                       | AE and Stage" of type      |

About deprecated boards

There are a number of deprecated boards on this page. They are there to support older installations that relied on them. New installations should not use or rely on deprecated boards. Older installations that have used these boards in some way should use the new boards and remove any dependencies.

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