Full application embedding

Full embedding allows users to create ThoughtSpot content in an embedded environment.

Fully embedding ThoughtSpot content gives your users the ability to:

  • create Answers and Pinboards

  • share objects with users

  • upload data and refresh uploaded data

  • relate uploaded data with existing Worksheets

This is useful for supplying the full search experience into an iframe with different navigation views and toggle options. However, there are limitations. Users won’t be able to:

  • create Worksheets or Views.

  • modify profiles.

  • view the Help Center.

Before you try the technique, make sure you have read Understand embedding in this section.

A single page with the full application embedded

The following sample embed.html demonstrates how you might full embed app the application.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" style="height: 100%; width: 100%">
      <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <title>ThoughtSpot Embed App</title>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="api/api.min.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
         function updateIframeUrl(id) {
         var iframeUrl = "/?embedApp=true#/";
         if (id === 'homepage') {
         iframeUrl = "/?embedApp=true#/";
         } else if (id === 'search') {
         iframeUrl = "/?embedApp=true#/answer";
         } else if (id === 'answerList') {
         iframeUrl = "/?embedApp=true#/answers";
         } else if (id === 'pinboardList') {
         iframeUrl = "/?embedApp=true#/pinboards";
         } else if (id === 'data') {
         iframeUrl = "/?embedApp=true#/data/tables";
         document.getElementById('ts-embed').setAttribute('src', iframeUrl);

         function onCallback(event) {
         window.thoughtspot.subscribeToAlerts("http://localhost:8000", onCallback);

   <body style="height: 100%; width: 100%">
      <button onclick="updateIframeUrl('homepage')">Homepage</button>
      <button onclick="updateIframeUrl('search')">Search</button>
      <button onclick="updateIframeUrl('answerList')">Answer list</button>
      <button onclick="updateIframeUrl('pinboardList')">Pinboard list</button>
      <button onclick="updateIframeUrl('data')">Data</button>
      <iframe id="ts-embed" allow=“fullscreen” src="/?embedApp=true#/" height="80%" width="80%"></iframe>

The function updateIframeUrl(id) reflects the logic to change the src URL of the iframe when your users clicks on different navigation buttons.

Hide the ThoughtSpot navigation bar

To hide the primary navigation, configure this:

  • Make sure the app is in an <iframe/> .

  • Set the embedApp flag as true. This flag determines if the application is embedded.

  • Set the primaryNavHidden flag as true (the default). This flag determines navigation visibility.

If either flag is false, the primary navigation will appear.

Error messages and full embed

ThoughtSpot can disable error messages within the ThoughtSpot iFrame and provide APIs to you to access those messages, and display them in your UI appropriately. This is done by suppressing error messages in the UI, and passing their details along to window.postMessage function, which your parent app can listen to. Hidden messages can be viewed in the console logs. Contact ThoughtSpot Support if you would like to enable this feature.

Additional notes

Here are some additional notes about the full embed feature:

  • Call thoughtspot.<customerURL>.com/#/answer and use that to access the search functionality.

  • Call thoughtspot.<customerURL>.com/#/pinboards and use that to access saved Pinboards.

  • Use SAML for authentication against ThoughtSpot within the iFrame.

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