Front (Destination)

Easily perform operations (create/update/delete) on objects (contacts, accounts, contact_handles, channels) to build hyper-targeted communications by providing teams with data synced from your data warehouse.

Set up Front as your destination

  1. Authorize the app.

  2. Write your SQL in the app.

  3. Select the field below Destination and choose Front from the drop-down. Fill the following fields:

    1. Object (for example, Contacts)

    2. Operation (for example, create)

      Add Front as destination

  4. Map your columns.

    1. To the right of Results, select Mapping.

    2. Map the fields in Source and Destination.

    3. Select Test Sync. Your results appear in Front within a few seconds.

      Test Sync

    4. (Optional) Set a schedule so your updates run automatically.

If you’re doing an operation on Contact, be sure to map the ‘handle’ and ‘source’ to perform the operation. Source of the handle can be email, phone, twitter, facebook, intercom, front_chat, or custom.

Compulsory fields for each object




handle, source


inbox_id, type


contact_id, handle, source

For more information, take a look at Front API here or contact us at [email protected].

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