Google Sheets Addon

Before using the addon, make sure you are logged in to your browser with a single Google account. If you are logged in with multiple accounts (for example, your work and personal) there will be issues finding your SeekWell account. If you’re having issues, try using an "incognito" window.


SeekWell’s Google Sheets Addon lets you and your team execute blocks directly from Google Sheets. Check it out here.

To get started, watch this demonstration, or follow the steps below:

  1. Open Google Sheets and launch the SeekWell add-on.

  2. Using the Search bar, search for the Block you’d like to execute. Under Range, enter the name of the desired Sheet to send your results. If the Sheet does not exist, SeekWell will add it.

  3. To go back to your list of Blocks, select the X icon in the top right corner of the Add-on.

  4. Select the Block title to see it within SeekWell and to make changes. After editing, return to the Google Sheets Add-on window and select Refresh block.

  5. To see the results of your edited block, select the name of the block within the Add-on, define the Range, and select the Run button.

Working with parameters

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