
Add Excel as a destination from Google Drive

  1. Under Destination on the right, select Add destination, and choose Excel from the drop-down.

  2. Select Workbook and choose the desired Workbook from the drop-down. Since SeekWell currently only supports .xlsx files, this drop-down will show all .xlsx files in your Google Drive.

  3. Select Sheet1 and enter the Sheet name you want to send data to. Please note, the entire sheet will be replaced.

    If you need other data points or formulas on the same Sheet, send your SeekWell data to one sheet (e.g. "seekwell") and use a formula or pivot table to reference the data from another sheet.
  4. Select A1 to enter the range using A1 notions, for example, "Sheet1!A1".

  5. Run your SQL. When the query is done, refresh the file in Drive to see your data.

OneDrive (Beta - Invite Only)

  1. Contact us to be added to the beta trial.

    This feature will not work without contacting support.
  2. Log in to seekwell.io to authorize the app here.

  3. Write your SQL and run it. Make sure the results in the app are what you want in Excel.

  4. Under Destination on the right, select Add destination and choose Excel from the drop-down.

  5. Select the spreadsheet from the drop-down that displays all the .xlsx files in your One Drive.

  6. Enter the range using A1 notions, for example, "Sheet1!A1". The sheet must already exist.

  7. Run the query again, the results will be sent to Excel.

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