Liveboard schedule management
On the Liveboard schedules page, found in Data > Utilities > View Liveboard schedules, you can create and manage scheduled Liveboards. You can create and manage jobs, including scheduled Liveboards. With scheduled Liveboards, you can prepare for recurrent meetings and closely monitored metrics.
With scheduled Liveboard email updates, you can analyze your data offline and share Liveboards with your colleagues, including people who may not have a ThoughtSpot account.
Contact ThoughtSpot Support if scheduled Liveboards isn’t enabled on your cluster.
Scheduling Liveboards
Administrators and users with the can schedule for others privilege can schedule and manage Liveboard jobs for other users and groups. Users don’t need the can schedule for others privilege to schedule and manage Liveboard jobs for themselves. Users must have at least view-only access to the Liveboards they share.
ThoughtSpot recommends that you remain conservative when deciding who has the can schedule for others privilege in your organization. There are possible security implications when critical information can be shared outside your company. |
Row-level security
Scheduled Liveboards adhere to row-level security rules. If the recipients are users in ThoughtSpot, they can only see data based on their own access to that Liveboard. If the user doesn’t have view-only or greater access to the Liveboard, they don’t see any data in the email. However, if the recipients aren’t ThoughtSpot users, then they have access to the dataset of the Liveboard based on the sender’s permissions.
Format and layout of scheduled Liveboards
The Liveboard visualizations are attached to the scheduled email as either CSV or PDF files. Saved configurations such as Liveboard filters are applied to the attachments. Refer to the Format types table to see how the Liveboard data is represented in each file format.
To specify the layout of the Liveboard in the email, select Configure layout options. For more details about the layout options, refer to Download a Liveboard as a PDF.
CSV | |
The CSV file gets data only for table visualizations. |
The PDF file gets data for all visualizations. |
The email has n CSV attachments, where there are n table visualizations in the Liveboard. |
The email has only one attachment file, which includes every visualization on its own page. |
Table visualizations have all data rows that they’re supposed to have. |
Table visualizations include only the first 100 rows. |
In the case of a corrupted Liveboard: no email is sent. An error message indicating failure to export data is visible on the Data > Utilities > View Liveboard schedules page. |
In the case of a corrupted Liveboard: the PDF attachment has empty/error screenshots. |
In the case of a corrupted visualization: an email with the visualizations whose data can be exported is sent. An error message indicating visualization export error is visible on the Data > Utilities > View Liveboard schedules page. |
In the case of a corrupted visualization: the PDF attachment has empty/error slots for the corrupted visualizations. |
The size of each email is limited to 25 MB, which matches most email services size limitations.
The total number of recipients for a scheduled Liveboard job can’t exceed the default of 1000.
Using the Liveboard schedules interface
You can manage all scheduled Liveboards on the Liveboard schedules page. Users who aren’t admins can only view Liveboard schedules they’ve created. You can select specific jobs and choose to pause, resume, edit, or delete them. You can have up to 50 scheduled jobs on your cluster at time. contact ThoughtSpot Support if you’d like to increase this limit.
View the Liveboard schedules page by selecting Data > Utilities > View Liveboard schedules.
Bulk actions
Select the scheduled Liveboards and use the Delete, Resume, and Pause buttons to perform these bulk actions. Deleting a Liveboard will also delete any schedules linked to it.
Liveboard schedule statuses
Clicking on the row of a scheduled Liveboard opens a detailed view of every generated update of that scheduled Liveboard. You can see the start and end times of the scheduled Liveboard, as well as the status. Selecting a scheduled Liveboard shows more information about the status updates.
Liveboard links
Select the scheduled Liveboard name link to jump to an Edit schedule page, where you can edit the schedule configurations.
You can also select the Liveboard link provided in the scheduled Liveboard emails to jump to the Liveboard in ThoughtSpot. In order to have the link direct you to the correct URL, you must first configure front end host and port access. contact ThoughtSpot Support to configure these settings.
Related information
See Schedule a Liveboard job for information on creating a Liveboard job.
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