Configure nodes on the Dell appliance

Configure ThoughtSpot nodes on your Dell appliance.

ThoughtSpot has stopped selling and renewing hardware appliance contracts. See CentOS end-of-life announcement for more information, and alternative deployment options.

ThoughtSpot Training

  • For best results in setting up ThoughtSpot on the Dell appliance, we recommend that you take the following ThoughtSpot U course: Network Configuration.

  • See other training resources at ThoughtSpot U.

After you connect the appliance, a command line appears on your console. Configure the nodes on this command line.

Follow the steps in this checklist:

Step 1: Get a template for network configuration

Step 2: Prepare node configuration

Step 3: Configure the nodes

Step 4: Confirm node configuration

Step 1: Get a template for network configuration

Make sure you have logged in to your cluster. If you have not, use admin credentials to sign in to your cluster.

Run the tscli cluster get-config command to get a template for network configuration. Redirect it to the file nodes.config.
You can find more information on this process in the nodes.config file reference.

$ tscli cluster get-config |& tee nodes.config

Step 2: Prepare node configuration

  1. Add your specific network information for the nodes in the nodes.config file, as demonstrated in the autodiscovery of one node example. Run vim nodes.config to edit the file.

    $ vim nodes.config
    Some of the information in the nodes.config file may be pre-populated from earlier steps. For example, if you specified an IP address while creating VMs, that IP address might already be present in your nodes.config file.
  2. Fill in the areas specified in Parameters of the nodes.config file with your specific network information.

    If you have additional nodes, complete each node within the nodes.config file in the same way.

    Do not edit any part of the nodes.config file except the sections described in Parameters of the nodes.config file. If you delete quotation marks, commas, or other parts of the code, it may cause setup to fail.

  3. Update the file /etc/hosts with all the node IP addresses and hostnames for the other VMs that will be part of the ThoughtSpot cluster.

Step 3: Configure the nodes

Configure the nodes in the nodes.config file using the set-config command.

Run $ cat nodes.config | tscli cluster set-config in your terminal.
If the command returns an error, refer to Set-config error recovery.

$ cat nodes.config | tscli cluster set-config

Connecting to local node-scout
Setting up hostnames for all nodes
Setting up networking interfaces on all nodes
Setting up hosts file on all nodes
Setting up NTP Servers
Setting up Timezone
Done setting up ThoughtSpot

Step 4: Confirm node configuration

Use the get-config command to confirm node configuration.

Your output may look similar to the following:

$ tscli cluster get-config

  "ClusterId": "",
  "ClusterName": "",
  "DataNetmask": "",
  "DataGateway": "",
  "IPMINetmask": "",
  "IPMIGateway": "",
  "Timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
  "NTPServers": ",,,",
  "DNS": ",",
  "SearchDomains": "",
  "Nodes": {
	"ac:1f:6b:8a:77:f6": {
  	"NodeId": "ac:1f:6b:8a:77:f6",
  	"Hostname": "Thoughtspot-server1",
  	"DataIface": {
    	"Name": "eth2",
    	"IPv4": ""
  	"IPMI": {
    	"IPv4": ""

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