ThoughtSpot Cloud Documentation

ThoughtSpot Cloud™ is our hosted and managed Software as a Service (SaaS) offering. ThoughtSpot Cloud is available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Customers can choose the cloud and region where they would like their ThoughtSpot Cloud service deployed.

ThoughtSpot Cloud offers multiple advantages over deployment form factors that you have to manage and maintain within your own organization.

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What’s new in ThoughtSpot Cloud

October 2023

Features marked as Beta are off by default. To enable them, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

Change analysis: More insights Beta

When running change analysis, you can now see additional insights. For example, ThoughtSpot will detect values that underwent the highest percentage change between the two data points defined in your analysis, and values whose share of the total changed the most. The additional insights appear below the main analysis in the change analysis pop-up window.

A change analysis window with more insights below

Embedding in note tiles Early Access

You can now embed interactive content such as videos, pdfs, or Figma files into Liveboards using the note tile format. To try it out, enter a Liveboard, select the edit icon, and select Add note from the top bar. You can then click the embed icon and enter the URL or iFrame code for your content. You can interact with the content embedded in a Liveboard like you would with a website. To enable this feature, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

For more information, see Embedding in note tiles.

Animation demonstrating how to embed content in a Liveboard

Query performance visibility Beta

You can now see the state of query execution for any Liveboard visualization while it loads. If a visualization takes longer than three seconds to load, ThoughtSpot displays the current query execution status (executing query, waiting for connection, or processing query) to help users identify the reason for the delay.

Liveboard displaying query execution status as visualizations load

Alation metadata

Alation catalog integration is now available to all users and on by default. Users can now see metadata information on tables and columns imported from Alation. This information appears when you click on the corresponding table or column in Search data. Once connected, metadata information is visible to all users. For more information, see Catalog integration.

Column with description and verification status showing

Hidden columns in tables

You can now hide a column from your table without removing it from your current Search. If you hide the column you’re using to sort results, the sorting order is unchanged. To try it out, create an Answer, open the chart configuration menu gear icon, and drag the selected column to Hidden Columns. For more information, see Hidden columns.

A table with product as a hidden column

Commenting on Liveboards Early Access

You can now add or reply to comments, tag other users, or subscribe to comment threads directly on a Liveboard. Users can point out insights or reach out for clarification without leaving ThoughtSpot. To try it out, click the comment icon to the right of the edit icon, and select the data point you would like to comment on. To enable this feature, contact your administrator.

For more information, see Comment on a Liveboard.

Create a comment on a Liveboard and add a reaction

Natural language narratives Early Access

Beginning in, ThoughtSpot generates insight narratives in natural language to summarize the data analyzed in SpotIQ. The narratives are generated by LLM, and appear above the charts created by SpotIQ. This feature must be enabled by your administrator. For more information, see Natural language narratives.

Verified Liveboards

We made the following enhancements to verified Liveboards:

  • When you request verification, you can now see the underlying data sources that will be shared with the verifier.

  • The name of the Liveboard now appears in verification request emails.

  • When editing an Answer on or pinning an Answer to a verified Liveboard, a warning banner appears indicating it may need to be verified again.

    For more information, see Verify Liveboards.

ThoughtSpot Connected Slides

ThoughtSpot Connected Slides is an add-on that allows you to insert charts and live data visualizations right into your Google Slides™ presentation. Just connect to ThoughtSpot, find a chart or visualization, and add it to your slide presentation.

For more information, see ThoughtSpot Connected Slides.

Other features and enhancements

Alation catalog integration

Alation catalog integration is now available to all users and on by default. You can now import metadata information related to your tables and columns from Alation into ThoughtSpot. From the Data governance section of the Data tab, you can set up a connection to Alation to import column descriptions, column verification status, table descriptions, and table verification status.

For more information, see Catalog integration.

Alation data catalog setup page

Roles added to Primary Org

ThoughtSpot introduces role-based access control (RBAC) in Primary Orgs to allow for more granular access privileges. Use roles to apply privileges customized for your organizational needs.

To enable RBAC, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

Once you enable RBAC it cannot be disabled.

Index Statistics Liveboard

Admin users can now see indexing statistics for their cluster using the Index Statistics Liveboard. You can filter the results by connection, table, and column, and see the breakdown of indexed search tokens in the visualizations. This Liveboard helps you see how many search tokens you are using, and can help you diagnose indexing issues and errors. To try it out, go to Liveboards and search for Index statistics.

For more information, see Index Statistics Liveboard.

Index statistics

dbt sync

In the past, ThoughtSpot generated a new Worksheet every time a user edited an existing dbt data model. Now, ThoughtSpot maintains a persistent connection with dbt and provides realtime updates. Users can update an object, update an object and create a new object, or simply create a new object.

For more information, see Integrate with dbt.

dbt Worksheet join rule

Previously, when a Worksheet was created from a dbt model, the default worksheet join rule was "apply all joins". Now, "apply joins progressively" is the default. This means that when you search on a Worksheet, joins are applied as each search term is added, rather than applying all joins to every search.

Amazon Athena connection

You can now create connections from ThoughtSpot to Amazon Athena. For more information, see Amazon Athena.

ThoughtSpot Everywhere

For new features and enhancements introduced in this release of ThoughtSpot Everywhere, see ThoughtSpot Developer Documentation.

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