Set your display language (locale)
The language that ThoughtSpot displays depends on the system locale. If you set your browser locale to one of ThoughtSpot’s supported locales, ThoughtSpot automatically defaults to that locale. Note that if your organization manages your browser settings, and your administrator already set your browser locale, ThoughtSpot automatically defaults to that locale. If your browser doesn’t allow you to change locale, ThoughtSpot launches in the OS locale.
If your browser locale is not one of ThoughtSpot’s supported locales, ThoughtSpot defaults to the English language. For example, if your browser locale is an unsupported Central American locale, such as Spanish (Mexico) (es-MX), ThoughtSpot launches in en-US.
After you set your locale in your ThoughtSpot profile, ThoughtSpot defaults to the locale in your profile over your browser or OS locale.
It is simple to update your locale using the Profile interface.
Navigate to your user profile:
Select your user icon next to the Help button.
Select View my profile.
Next to Preferences, select Edit.
Select the dropdown menu icon to change the system language. You can search for your preferred system language in the dropdown menu.
The Language selection specifies more than just the language: it sets the locale, which controls both the language choice and standard data formats for date and number. So, if you set French as the default locale in your profile settings, the interface updates to reflect this. Be sure to refresh your browser page.
For example, in the United States the number format for large numbers uses the comma thousands separator and a period decimals separator, and looks like this: xxx,xxx.xx
Most European countries use the reverse notation, with a comma decimals separator and a period thousands separator, like this:,xx
In addition to American English (en-US), ThoughtSpot supports the following locales:
Locale | Language |
da-DK |
Dansk |
de-DE |
Deutsch |
en-AU |
English (Australia) |
en-CA |
English (Canada) |
en-DE |
English (Germany) |
en-IN |
English (India) |
en-GB |
English (United Kingdom) |
en-US |
English (United States) |
es-ES |
Español |
es-US |
Español (Latinoamérica) |
fr-CA |
Français (Canada) |
fr-FR |
Français (France) |
it-IT |
Italiano |
nl-NL |
Nederland |
nb-NO |
Norsk |
pt-BR |
Português (Brasil) |
pt-PT |
Português (Portugal) |
ru-RU |
Pусский (ограниченный выпуск) |
fi-FI |
Suomi |
sv-SE |
Svenska |
zh-CN |
中文(简体) |
zh-HANT |
中文 (繁體) |
ja-JP |
日本語 |
ko-KR |
한국어 |
ThoughtSpot translates keywords, operators, and error messages. See the Keyword reference for all supported languages.
ThoughtSpot DOES NOT translate formulas, or metadata entered by the user. For example, if you name a visualization 'Quarterly Sales' in any variant of English and subsequently change the locale to a variant of French, the visualization remains 'Quarterly Sales' and does not become 'Ventes trimestrielles'. If you specify a currency in your data, that currency does not change when the locale changes. ThoughtSpot also does not translate its branded terms, such as Liveboard, SpotIQ, and so on.
Here is an example of a locale change from the default, American English, to Español.

Note that the top navigation bar is now in Spanish. The number formatting of the data markers now reflects the European format, with a comma decimals separator, and a period thousands separator. However, the column names are still in English, because ThoughtSpot does not translate your metadata.