TS: BI Server system worksheet
The TS:BI Server system worksheet contains data related to how users interact with various systems in ThoughtSpot. This includes database latency, browser clients, size of responses, and more. The TS Stats: Latency Visualizations system Liveboard uses data from the TS:BI Server worksheet to display average and maximum latency for your visualizations. You can filter by a specific visualization ID on the Liveboard to find specific latency information.
Reference the following table to learn more about the most commonly used columns in the TS:BI Server worksheet:
Column | Description |
Database Latency (us) |
Represents the time in microseconds fetching data from Falcon. This is only query latency, and does not represent the time fetching metadata or rendering the visualization. |
HTTP Response Code |
HTTP response code returned to ThoughtSpot. |
Incident ID |
A unique identifier for each request made to ThoughtSpot. |
Attribute Count |
Number of attributes in the search query. |
Join Count |
Number of joins in the search query. |
Measure Count |
Number of measures in the search query. |
Response Size |
Size of response to user’s request in ThoughtSpot in bytes. |
Latency (us) |
Response time in microseconds. Round trip latency in microseconds. This is the amount of time between firing the query and returning data to the front end. |
Timestamp |
Time when the event occurred in yyyyMMdd HH’:’mm’:’ss format. |
Top Count |
Count of queries with |
HTTP path of the request. |
User |
Username of user associated with the request. |
Uses System Table |
Set when Answer is based on tables. |
Uses User Data |
Set when Answer is based on tables loaded using TQL. |
Uses Worksheet |
Set when Answer is based on a Worksheet or Model. |
Query Text |
Text of the search query. |
Answer Book GUID |
GUID of the Liveboard or Answer. |
Answer Book Name |
Name of the Liveboard or Answer. |
Impressions |
The number of events based on the User Action type. An Answer viewing counts as one impression, while a Liveboard viewing counts as a partial impression, depending on the number of visualizations it contains. |
Browser Type |
Browser type associated with the request. |
Browser Version |
Browser version associated with the request. |
Viz Id |
ID of visualization. Can be retrieved from URL parameters of the visualization. |
Client Id |
Client ID used to uniquely identify clients |
Client Type |
Describes the access mode of ThoughtSpot: either the classic Answer experience, new Answer experience, accessed via Mobile, or accessed via Embedded SDK. |
User Action |
User actions in ThoughtSpot. For more information, see User action code reference. |
User Id |
ID of the user associated with the request. |
Org Id |
Unique ID of Org associated to the request (only applicable to Org-enabled accounts). |
Org Name |
Name of Org associated to the request (only applicable to Org-enabled accounts). |
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