Restore ThoughtSpot using ansible on clusters that use RHEL
If your organization requires that privilege escalation take place through an external tool that integrates with ansible, follow the steps in this article to restore your cluster.
Before restoring the cluster, ensure that the system settings are correctly configured.
Restore the cluster
Rename cluster_create_hosts.sample to cluster_create_hosts.yaml.
Update the ansible vars in cluster_create_hosts.yaml with your own specific values. See Sample ansible vars.
Run the ansible-playbook. This restores the cluster. Run the following command on any cluster node:
ansible-playbook -i cluster_create_hosts.yaml ts-cluster-create-full-flow.yaml
bashIf privilege escalation requires a password, add the
option to theansible-playbook
command. -
If there is a failure at any point, fix the failure and rerun the
command. Bypass the completed steps using the--start-at-task
option, specifying the task at which to start.
Sample ansible vars
This is the definition of the cluster_create_hosts.sample file that is present in your ansible tarball. You must replace anything in this file within <>
with your own specific information.
# List of IPs of the nodes in the cluster>
ssh_user: <ts_service_user>
username: <ts_service_user>
groupname: <ts_service_group>
env: {}
ssh_private_key: <Private key for ssh>
cluster_id: <Cluster ID. Provided by ThoughtSpot.>
cluster_name: <Cluster name>
backupdir: <location of backup>
ramdisk_size: 50619136k
operation: RESTORE
# ThoughtSpot variables. Do not modify.
release_location: /export/releases/root/
installer_spec_path: /usr/local/scaligent/install/install_config
pgversion: 11
layout_file: /tmp/hadoop_config.json
no_sudo: 1
minimal_sudo_install: 1
offline: 1
skip_r: 1
skip_local_user_creation: 1