Reaggregation Scenario 2: Average rates of exchange
The Average rate of exchange calculates for the selected period. These average rates provide a mechanism to hedge the value of loans against price fluctuations in the selected period. We apply the average rate after the aggregation.
The pseudo-logic that governs the value of loans is sum(loans) * average(rate)
The data model has two tables: a primary fact table, and a dimension table for rates
column is from the primary fact table. -
column is from therates
These tables are at different levels of aggregation:
The primary fact table uses a lower level of aggregation, on
, orcustomer
. -
dimension table use a higher level of aggregation, ondaily
,transaction currency
, orreporting currency
The two tables are joined through a relationship join on date
and transaction currency
To simplify the scenario, we only use a single reporting currency
The join ensures that a single rate value returns each day for each transaction currency.
Valid solution
A valid query that meets our objective may look something like this:
sum(group_aggregate (sum(loans)*average (rate), query_groups () + {transaction_currency}, query_filters () ))
The following search and resulting response returns the dollar value for each year, for each target reporting currency.
Note that the dataset contains both euro (€) and US dollars ($).
The $ Loans Avg. Rate
calculates the average rate of exchange for the entire period.
The $ Loans Spot Rate
applies the rate of exchange on the day of the transaction.

function aggregates to these attributes:-
Add additional search columns to this aggregation. Here, this at the level of
reporting currency
. -
query_filters( )
Applies any filters entered in the search. Here, there are no filters.
Similarly, the
function aggregates to these attributes:-
Add additional search columns to this aggregation. Here, this at the level of
reporting currency
. -
query_filters( )
Applies any filters entered in the search. Here, there are no filters.
For each row in this virtual table, the exchange rate applies to the sum of loans:
sum(loans) * average(rate)
. -
The outer
function reaggregates the final output as a single row for each yearly reporting currency value.The default aggregation setting does not reaggregate the result set.
Non-aggregated result
We include the following result to provide contrast to an example where ThoughtSpot does not reaggregate the result set.
Reaggregation requires the aggregate function, sum
, to precede the group_aggregate
In the following scenario, the formula assumes that the default aggregation applies.
Here, the result returns 1 row for each transaction currency
group_aggregate (sum(loans )*average (rate ), query_groups() + {transaction_currency}, query_filters())

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