Google BigQuery


To get the Service Account information for Google BigQuery, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Google BigQuery credentials page and select Create Credentials.

    Create BigQuery credentials
  2. Grant BigQuery User permission.

    Grant user permission to BigQuery User

    1. Select the credentials under Service Accounts.

      Select Service Account credentials

    2. Under Add Key in the Keys section, select Create new key.

      Create new key

    3. Select JSON.

      Select type as JSON

Add Google BigQuery as a source

To connect to BigQuery, follow these steps:

  1. Open an existing block, or create a new block by selecting the plus icon in the SeekWell home page and selecting New SQL.

  2. Under Source in the top right corner, select Add new source. If you have a previous connection, select the connection nickname under Source and scroll down to select Add new source.

  3. In the pop-up New source window, select Flavor as BigQuery. Enter a nickname for your connection.

  4. Under Service Account Information, paste the JSON you found in the Prerequisites.

    Paste JSON to Service Account Information

  5. Select Save.

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