Before converting Worksheets to Models
The process of converting Worksheets to Models
The following things will happen when your Worksheets are converted to Models:
Conversion will take place automatically without any action required from you.
Conversion will take place during your next ThoughtSpot cluster upgrade.
ALL Worksheets will be automatically converted to Models with no disruption to service.
All features supported in Worksheets are supported in Models.
Each Model GUID will remain identical to the one in the corresponding Worksheet.
Queries generated will remain identical.
Columns and their properties will remain the same.
Formulas, filters, and parameters will remain the same including their expressions.
If you want to opt out of the conversion process, your ThoughtSpot administrator can do it by going to Admin > All Orgs > Data modeling and setting Worksheet to Model conversion to Disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, contact ThoughtSpot Support.
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