Getting Started with ThoughtSpot Free Trial
Completing the following steps helps you and other users in your organization get the most value from your data during the trial period. A little bit of time setting up ThoughtSpot has a big impact.
Before you begin
Before you start, review these talks to identify your ideal use case. The context helps you make account-related decisions and use ThoughtSpot effectively.
We highly recommend that you register for the free ThoughtSpot U course that covers the material in this section, Getting Started with ThoughtSpot Analytics Cloud.
We also provide these instructions in PDF format.
Step 1: Create a ThoughtSpot Community account
A ThoughtSpot Community account lets you ask questions in our product forums, explore best practices from other customers, sign up for events, and contact support.
Step 2: Activate your ThoughtSpot Cloud account
Check your inbox for a welcome email and click the link to access the free trial cluster.
Note that if you use Google sign-in, you do not need to activate your account.
Stay logged in to complete the rest of the setup.
Based on the URL of your trial environment, please whitelist accordingly:
Password requirements
When you start using the ThoughtSpot Free Trial, you see the ThoughtSpot password verification checklist. Passwords must meet the following requirements:
8 or more characters.
1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character.
Pass a complexity and uniqueness test that checks for known patterns and simple words. ThoughtSpot rejects passwords that are not complex enough. For more information, see the Dropbox password library.
No blocked words. By default, the blocked words are: your username and any part of your display name.
Step 3: Connect to your data source
Completing this step lets all users in your organization perform live queries. Choose your cloud data warehouse type, and follow the connection instructions.
Step 4: Model your data for searches
ThoughtSpot automatically optimizes your data for search. It models and configures most details. However, we recommend that you adjust the modeling settings to align with your identified use cases, and improve the experience for other users.
Step 5: Create a Worksheet
Worksheets make it easier for everyone in your organization to search data and create visualizations. Use the following step-by-step instructions to create your first Worksheet.
Step 6: Learn search essentials
After you finish creating Worksheets, you are ready to search. Review the key concepts to get started, and how to help others in your organization become effective searchers.
Step 7: Invite users
When using Free Trial, you can invite up to 5 users. To invite another user, visit the Admin tab and click + Invite teammates in the left menu. In the pop-up window, select your desired display name, and enter the emails of the teammates you want to invite and (optional) message to the invite email. Click Send invite.
Step 8: Share a Liveboard
Liveboards are interactive collections of charts and tables. Set up a shared Liveboard now, so everyone who joins your organization can access valuable information.
Add data files
Upload a flat data file (CSV)
To upload a CSV file, follow these steps:
Select Data in the top navigation bar.
Select Utilities in the side navigation bar.
Select Upload CSV.
Alternatively, navigate to step one of Setup, and select upload CSV.
Upload the CSV file using one of these options:
Click Browse your files and select the file.
Drag and drop the file into the drop area.
Answer the question Are the column names already defined in the file header?
Specify one of the following:
- Comma
(,), example:
Jacket,Winter 2021,yellow,600
- Semicolon
(;), example:
Jacket;Winter 2021;yellow;600
- Pipe
(|), example:
Jacket|Winter 2021|yellow|600
- Space
( ), example:
Jacket "Winter 2021" yellow 600
- Tab
( ), example:
Jacket Winter 2021 yellow 600
Select Next.
If column names are missing, select the column header to add column names that describe the attributes or measures in the columns.
You can also change existing names to a simpler or more human-readable format.
Select Next.
Review the automatically-generated data types for each column, and make necessary changes.
These are the possible data types:
- True/False
Boolean, Yes, no.
- Integer
Smaller integers represented by 32 bits.
- Large Integer
Larger integers represented by 64 bits.
- Decimal
Floating point or Decimal.
- Text
Character or text.
- Date
Simple date, not including the time component.
- Date_Time
The date and time.
- Time
Only the time, not including the date component.
Select Upload.
Users have an upload limit of 10 CSV files each. |
Replace or append new data to a CSV file
To replace your uploaded CSV file or append new data to it, follow these steps:
Select Data in the top navigation bar.
Select your current CSV file in the list of data sources.
Select Replace CSV in the upper-right corner of your screen.
Answer the question Are the column names already defined in the file header?
Answer the question Do you want to append to the existing data or overwrite it?
To add this data to your existing CSV file, choose Append. To create a new CSV file, choose Overwrite.
Answer the question How are fields separated?
Select Next.
Preview your data and select Upload.
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