Custom calendar overview
With a custom calendar, you can choose when the year, quarter, or week starts, and search using date-related keywords.
You can create custom calendars for different purposes within your company, including:
Retail calendars, like 4-4-5, 4-5-4, or 5-4-4.
Fiscal calendars, where the year or quarter starts on a different date each year.
Pharmaceutical calendars, where the week runs from Friday through Thursday.
Calendars in different languages.
For an example custom calendar, see Customer calendar.
In a custom calendar, you can set the following:
The starting date of a year
The starting dates of quarters
The starting day of the month
The starting day of the week
The words used for the days of the week, months and quarters
Custom calendar versus standard calendar
ThoughtSpot uses the ISO week date system to define the standard calendar. This means that the fiscal year contains 52 or 53 full weeks, with Monday defined as the start of the week.
When January 1st falls on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, it is defined as part of week 01. If January 1st falls on a Friday, it is part of week 53 of the previous year. If it falls on a Saturday, it is part of the last week of the previous year (week 52 in a regular year and week 53 in a leap year). If it falls on a Sunday, it is part of week 52 of the previous year.
There are many reasons users may choose to set up a custom calendar rather than using the default calendar. These may include:
Changing the start of the week from Monday to another day.
Setting up alternative calendar types.
Introducing granular control for when dates should be included in date boundaries such as weeks, months, quarters, or years.
Supported cloud data warehouses
Custom calendar currently supports the following:
Amazon Athena
Amazon Aurora MySQL
Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL
Amazon RDS MySQL
Amazon RDS PostgreSQL
Amazon Redshift
Google AlloyDB for PostgreSQL
Google BigQuery
Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL
Google Cloud SQL for SQL Server
Microsoft Azure Synapse
Oracle ADW
SQL Server
Search features
You can use your custom calendar to search the following ways:
Using date keywords, like
this quarter
. -
Using date formulas with the
option specified. (See Fiscal and Gregorian calendars). -
Overriding the calendar used in the search bar by typing your custom calendar’s name.
Binding a calendar with a column under the table detail page. Example: Binding
with the French calendar. -
Specifying a calendar in the formula.
Before you create a custom calendar, make sure to review the following limitations.
Creating a custom calendar
ThoughtSpot doesn’t support month offset when creating a custom calendar using the: 4-4-5, 4-5-4, or 5-4-4 calendar type configurations. Month offset is a separate calendar type.
When uploading files, the date format must be MM/DD/YYYY. No other formats are supported.
The file must be sorted based on the date in ascending order.
The file format should be UTF-8.
Custom calendar column headers must be lower-case.
You can now add row-level security rules to custom calendars. To enable this feature, contact ThoughtSpot Support.
Using a custom calendar
Formulas are limited to defining a single custom calendar.
VS supports multiple custom calendars as long as there is only a single calendar per clause.
Updating a custom calendar
The values in the generated calendar table can be updated to meet your specific business requirements. Before updating your calendar, be aware of the following:
, andyear
are defined as varchar columns. The expected values are strings rather than numbers. If numbers are defined, the value may not be displayed as an indexed option.Examples:
day_of_week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
rather thanday_of_week: 1, 2, 3
quarter: Q1, Q2
rather thanquarter: 1, 2
value should be the same as the[period]
value for the next period. This is because the code is greater than or equal to the start value and less than the end value.[period]
If you update a range of dates in the underlying table, you must manually refresh the custom calendar in ThoughtSpot by running the update command. |
To update your custom calendar, do the following:
Sign in to your ThoughtSpot cluster.
Select Data in the top navigation bar.
The Data workspace appears.
Click Utilities.
Click Add/modify custom calendar.
Click the More menu
for the custom calendar you want to update and select Update Calendar.
For a user to create a custom calendar, they must have the required permissions to create a table in the database used in the connection where they want to create their custom calendar.
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