Indexing Queries Liveboard

Use the Indexing Queries Liveboard to understand and improve indexing query performance.

You can use this Liveboard to answer the following questions:

  • How many indexing queries are made?

  • What queries are failing, and why?

  • How long are the indexing queries taking?

  • Which connections have the most failures so that the admin can easily identify and fix them?

To access this Liveboard, go to the Liveboards tab and search for Indexing Queries. Note that this Liveboard is only visible to admin users.

The visualizations on this Liveboard include the following:

  • Filters

    Users can filter by connections and tables, and aggregate over the last n days.
  • Total queries

  • Failed queries

  • Average query latency(s)

  • Maximum query latency(s)

  • Query count per connection

  • Failed queries per connection

  • Query latency

  • Success rate over time

  • Connections with failing queries

  • Columns with highest query latency