Index statistics Liveboard

Use the Index statistics Liveboard to understand how many search tokens you are using, and to diagnose indexing issues and errors.

The Index statistics Liveboard contains essential information about your search tokens and indexing errors. For more detailed information on individual users' actions within ThoughtSpot, filter the Liveboard by connection, table, or column from the filter bar under the Liveboard name. You must have admin privileges to view this Liveboard.

To view this Liveboard, select Liveboards from the top navigation bar. Search for Index statistics in the Search bar.

Index statistics Liveboard

The Index statistics Liveboard contains information about the following topics:

  • Total tokens indexed in the latest build

  • Total connections indexed in the latest build

  • Total tables indexed in the latest build

  • Total columns indexed in the latest build

  • Total token count by connection

  • Total token count by table

  • Total token count by column

You can also look under the Details tab to see the following:

  • Connection details

  • Table details

  • Column details