Connection reference for Redshift

You need specific information to establish a seamless and secure connection. The following fields are required, except where noted.

Connection name

Enter a name for your Redshift connection.

Connection description

Provide a short description of the connection.


Enter the host name associated with the database. If you used an AWS PrivateLink between your Redshift data warehouse and the ThoughtSpot Cloud tenant, use the PrivateLink Endpoint DNS name provided by ThoughtSpot Support. For example,


Enter the port number associated with the database.


Enter the Redshift account username.

This user must have at least read access to the SVV_TABLE_INFO table.

Enter the Redshift account password.


Specify the database associated with the account.

(IAM only) Dbuser

Specify the db user associated with the account.

(IAM only) Access Key

Specify the access key associated with the account.

(IAM only) Secret Key

Specify the secret key associated with the account.

(OAuth only) OAuth Client ID

Enter the OAuth client ID associated with the Redshift database.

(OAuth only) OAuth Client Secret

Enter the OAuth client secret associated with the Redshift database.

(OAuth only) Scope

Scope maps to a role in your Redshift database.

For OAuth with Azure AD provider, it should be similar to https://<APPLICATION_ID_URI>/session:role:developer offline_access openid. For more information, see: part 1, step 8 in Configure Azure AD external OAuth for a Redshift connection.

(OAuth only) Auth Url

ThoughtSpot performs an "Authorization Code" grant type flow to get the access token. Get the authorization endpoint for the respective identity provider from its console.

For Azure AD, it can be obtained from the Azure portal by navigating to Azure Active Directory resource. It should be similar to<tenant_id>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize.

(OAuth only) Access token Url

(External OAuth) Enter the Access Token Url associated with your external identity provider.

For Azure AD, it can be obtained from the Azure portal by navigating to Azure Active Directory resource. It should be similar to<tenant_id>/oauth2/v2.0/token.

(AWS IDC OAuth only) AWS Identity Namespace

The identity namespace to be used while authenticating using the IdpTokenAuthPlugin.